Hey all.

Firstly thanks for all who comment, faved, and hugged my two latest pictures, In the heat of battle and The Troll Brothers. It really means a lot of me!

But yeah there is nothing much going on really except my drawing status. I’ve been practicing and experimenting more with my pieces. I’ve even started a pencil drawing of my console boys. I got about 35% of it done but I have to do some edits and learn about faces more. It’s been a long time since I did some serious pencil shading in my work so I’m pretty excited with this picture. It’s also giving me a change to learn about how to shade the face realistically. It’s pretty fun for me now since I changed my attitude towards my art. I feel like I can do anything theses days so I’m trying new things more and more.

Oh, that reminded me an awesome book that I really need, this one. Its part of a series and goodness I wish these books were around when I was 14. These are by far the best “how to draw manga” books that I ever seen. Tons of information and resources that every artist needs beginner to advanced. The one I want is all about props because I want to practice that as well (I want to practice everything lol). It not only does it shows you visually but it explains the reason behind it to you. Where the older “how to draw manga books” lacks a lot in. There are pricier but it’s worth it. (Puts it on “must buy list”)

Getting back to what I was originally talking about, “I’m pretty much in love with art again”. Seriously, I don’t think I’ve been this amped over drawing/painting/CGing in years. I get inspired more and I can turn that into something I love more then something that falls flat and I end up not liking it much. :P The biggest change I saw in myself however is the fear. I always had fear of “stepping out the box” as in trying/practicing new things, as well the fear to starting something new. All of it boils down to scare if screwing the picture up. I still feel it sometimes (not as often) but it’s not a “block” like it use to be. It doesn’t even seem like its there anymore when I do feel it because I know whether it comes out good or not I’m always learning. I’m always growing and it will only get better when I try again. :D Thus my confidence in myself has been strengthening as well. I always thought my art (as a whole) was great but since I was so focus on the outside that thought didn’t really go far. Now that I take the outside out of the equation of it all I feel like I have my passion again. :3

With that my favorite holiday is coming up HALLOWEEN BABY YEAH. And that means I CAN MAKE HALLOWEEN PICTURES, and use orange and black in my pictures. I love making Halloween themed pictures; it’s just awesome beyond all reason. I think the best part is that I can draw my NYAF characters again. I think that I’m glad that they didn’t win so I can have them for myself. A lot of people liked them and I love them to death. Maybe I can make a mini comic with them. OH THE POSSIBLES.

I’m glad I wrote out this post, I was feeling really sucky before hand since my dad turned into his periodic douche bag mood again (I was having a good day I went out and everything). He said something very inappropriate to my family last night and I told him flat out the way I felt about him. I didn’t bother to talk or even look at him today so there is a very awkward air around the house. Hopefully we will be all to be able to sit down and talk about it. In any event I’m feeling great and re-newed again. :D

Thanks for reading!
