Post of Revelation, semi-banner rant

Hey guys, time for a real update!

Since that last post I’ve been feeling much better, I hope I didn’t worry you guys too much. ;3; That was not my intention!

As of late I’ve been feeling a bit (or a whole lot) laid back from my latest endeavors like The Candy Sanctuary, trying to make a name for myself as an artist, and just trying to “make it” in the internet world. I will admit I enjoy doing it but at the same time it takes TONS of energy out of me, as well it stresses me out some. I just have this feeling that maybe I’m trying a bit too hard to get where I want to go and not doing enough “inside” to make it happen.

Everything always starts with you, so you got to maintain a happy and healthy mind set and stress can easily kill that. So I guess what I saying that I’m just (even more so haha) going with the flow. I feel like I need to chill out and let go. Along with this new mind set of mine I’ve been gaining more interest in the older activities I use to enjoy. It’s almost like a “close to home” kind of feeling with these hobbies XD… My favorite being Tokyo mew mew, I’ve been wanting for over a week to (re)write it, design characters, and spend a lot of time just making my entire fan stuff better. It’s just insane but it makes sense because I completely enjoy it and I’m not worrying if it’s going to make my internet “presence” better or anything. I just love it and that’s that matters!

So if you’re wondering why I haven’t been “active” lately that’s why. But that doesn’t mean I’m giving this place the boot. In fact out of all my art accounts (I got 4 I was trying to keep up with) I’m only actively visiting two, here and Fur affinity. Manga bullet and DA makes me feel so competitive and stressed to “to get my name out there” that I pretty much ran myself into the ground. It’s like no wonder I feel this way…<- That right there folks was my revelation just know “I am trying to hard” even when I vowed to “do my own thing at my own pace” I still was trying too hard, trying to squeeze myself out into the internet… I think I’m doing it wrong… <- 2nd revelation… There IS another way to get there but what I was doing wasn’t working for me thus BURN OUT…

Sheesh, I knew how I felt but I didn’t TRULY SEE THE REASON BEHIDE IT 100%. It’s good to write your thoughts down/post/blog you can really get behind your thoughts and even get insight! :D

In other news I notice the whole your art as TheO banner thing. At first I was like YAY! Then I was like “I don’t fucking care anymore” ( due to my laid back aura now LAWL)… If the art is going to be chosen like the feature thing then I REALLY DON’T CARE. It looks like fun no doubt but I don’t want to enter JUST to try to get my art up on the banner :... I’m just not in that mood haha, trying to get your art featured and stuff is a huge pain in the ass. Especially if you’re not in the general ratio of being featured… I’m probably taking the whole thing the wrong way but DON’T LIE YOU GUYS WOULD LIKE YOUR ART FEATURED AND STUFF TOO. And there is nothing wrong with that its just saying “I don’t like competing for the spot or online in general” XDDD

So that’s it, and before I go check out my friend Kelsey (angel zukaro) out she’s been feeling down lately and need some cheering up! :D Feel better Kelsey!
