Magical Days!

Hey everyone, how are all of you, good I hope!

My last week has been WAY BETTER then 2 weeks ago. Very moody and angry at the world but I got past it faster then any other time so I'm really proud of myself! If you remember my latest picture "Desu Eyed Girl" that was my tipping point! Since then I've been feeling much better!

If you remember the last couple of posts, I've ordered a lot of stuff. Well, all of them came but the Arch Angel Michael cards, those will come in at the end of this month. I was SO READY FOR THEM TO COME NOW. But I have to wait till the 19th of this month, damnit. All the other stuff came and are wonderful! My gel candle and soap books are so cute and fascinating. I don't have any materials to start making either but I'm going to work on it soon.

Art wise I've been doing good. I've been practicing on my pencil shading more and realism. I want to start sketching pictures in the morning so I can tighten up that area. I've also started drawing pictures without the line art but with all colored pencils! The said picture is still have yet to be finished but I love how its coming out. Hopefully I'll get back to it so I can finally post it here.

I'm thinking about deleting my Candy Sanctuary fan page over at face book. I've been posting my blog updates there but its still very dry and I have no real desire to get it up and running. Since that requires me going around and start friending people and other things on the site. I don't like face book much outside of what's happening to the few people I actually pay attention too. The other problem was that I didn't want to have a zillion sites that I would have to keep up with so I was trying to find a solution to either let it go or not. But I caved and got a tumblr instead without deleting the fan page XD. I've always loved tumblr because of the TONS AND TONS of cute pictures people will post. If I got into a bad mood I would just look at someone's page till my anger died out haha. So yeah, if you have a tumblr add me and vice versa! :D Though it didn't solve my problem of deleting the fan page or not haha.

Oh I forgot some things! Brandon treated me to IHOP the other day. I got the CINNI-STACK COMBO, but the damn eggs didn't have cheese in them! I was so mad because I was super hungry and wanted to eat so I had to wait a bit longer. Other then that the outing was great. Then on Sunday he treated me to a mini shopping spree of snacks when I was complaining of my snack cravings. He's so sweet, my best friend in the whole world haha!

I also got my hair done on Friday and MAN does it work wonders on the ego haha. I felt so pretty (or even more ;D) and just graceful. I wanted to take pictures of myself but I never got around to do it. XD (I hope I don't sound conceded since I believe every woman should feel like that!)

Thanks for listening to my rambling once again. Thank you for all the comments and faves on everything I do! I have a special surprise that I will give to you all soon!

Take care everyone!

♥ Yours Truly ♥
