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Dreams is that wonderful feeling when you know you're doing something right.
It's when the harshness of reality begins to quiet and your heart sings.
It's that look when you see yourself in the mirror and smile, knowing who you really are.
Dreams is the one thing that drives me, soothes me and keeps me alive.
It's the world I live in, the world of dreams... This wonderful, wonderful world.
This fulfilling world...
This world that is in my heart and thankful soul.

My Different Realities

Deviant art
Manga Bullet
Live journal

New AC Unit And Other Things!

So last night I did a one page rant about my family and life. I didn't post it because is was so negative! Not that it had a lot of cussing or was really offensive but I didn't like throwing out all the bad things in my life. I like to post about my developments in the week and showing myself and the world how in small and big ways I'm moving forward. When I read over that ranty post it just brought me down and all I could see was a really effed up week(s) of just me beating a VERY dead horse. Plus all the other things that I wanted to post about (the positive things) wasn't there so I decided to keep it for myself and start over today!

First off I got my very own AC unit! After many years of sharing and/or not having an ac of my own my dad came through and brought me one. Brandon and my dad installed it last night, it was a total pain in the ass and overly complicated (coming from a person that had NOTHING to do with installing it! XD). I turned it on last night and it works like a champ. Its going to be ungodly hot for the next three days so I'm glad that I'll be comfortable this go round.

With that said, this will be a good time to start drawing again and planning out things! I haven't drawn anything in about a week or two. I didn't have an art block or anything but I just didn't feel like drawing, or had any must draw ideas. Lately though I've been wanting to create characters and practice on realism so this is a great opportunity for me! I think I might also make some clay items of some kind. Its going to be super hot so I don't really want to be in the kitchen with the oven on haha so we'll see.

Admittedly I've have been a bit frustrated as of late. I was over at Brandon's house a lot lately so I'm not on the internet a lot nor working on anything personal. As much as I love seeing others do what they love and sell their work I really hate it when I feel like I'm still "working at it". I have tons of ideas, crafts, and products that I want to work on but I just don't have enough room for everything. I want to keep my sanity so I don't try to work on 5 very different mediums in my small room or the share kitchen. I don't have the money to buy any new hobbies and if I did there isn't enough space to keep it all or work on them. Sometimes I forget that its more of "keeping down the stress" that I don't purse more crafts outside of books on the subjects (I don't have the room for books either). I COULD go out and buy candle and soap kits and throw them among the junk in the house but I would get stressed about the space issue (and a zillion other things). So I just do what I can within my limits but even that is biting me in my ass now but I'll work through it.

Other then my frustrations, life and other wise things have been great. I saw a rainbow the day before the "rapture". I've gotten more followers for my Candy Sanctuary blog despite my lack of new deco work and other things that I probably forgot to mention.

Looking at the season change I definitely think its time to change my world layout and the other web accounts I have. I actually have a great theme in mind that I plan to do in illustrator called "Summer Time Sweet Hearts! Its really simple design and I love the name. I won't go into detail about it because I like the level of surprise. Once I'm done with my latest picture (check the last wip) I'll work on STSH next!

Thank you all for listening and reading my journal posts! Also a huge thank you to my latest subscribers (blow kisses) you all really make my day, take care everyone!

My Birthday and Stolen Gallery!

I want to thank EVERYONE for their b-day wishes to me and everything. You guys are so sweet and caring, you all really made this birthday my best since childhood. THANK YOU THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH.

My birthday was awesome and full of win. Brandon was so awesome and got me a My Little Pony toy that lights up haha.

I didn't even open it yet but I'm going to place it somewhere nice, hell I might play with it since I'm such a big kid already. I went to the shore in New Jersey and stayed there the whole day where Brandon treated me like a queen and spoiled me rotten haha.

I have a huge post about it on my craft blog but I wanted to say thank you to Kelsey, Hanaro Souhi, and everyone that was really kind to me. It means the world to me so thank you so much!

Besides that, while I was up till 5 IN THE MORNING LAST NIGHT since my sister wanted to play the radio ALL NIGHT, I saw some major art theft. The person's gallery had STOLEN PICTURES of Ribbon Heart's art DA. When I looked at the stolen piece it looked painted over so I check to see if ribbon heart had an account here. I checked her gallery and saw that all her works had watermarks on them. So when I checked the stolen pieces in question I saw that the area of the watermarks have been messed with. So then I went and reported all the pieces with the url of the originals except one that wasn't in ribbon's gallery anymore. I contacted ribbon as well and told her about it. Unfortunately this happens to her a lot so I'm glad I was able to catch an art thief in action. Hopefully the works will be deleted from the idiot's gallery and MAYBE the person will learn something.

It really sickens me when someone have the balls to take someones work, take the watermark off and post them as if it was theirs. I mean if you like the drawings so much it doesn't take much to try your had at drawing yourself. If anything it should inspire trying something new, not being an a**hole and claiming stuff that isn't yours to begin with. /rant

But anyway, today was crappy since I barely got any sleep because of the music (I want to move out so bad). Hopefully tonight will be better because I seriously needed the sleep last night because I was so tired after my birthday.

Thanks for reading guys, have a great night!

Magical Days!

Hey everyone, how are all of you, good I hope!

My last week has been WAY BETTER then 2 weeks ago. Very moody and angry at the world but I got past it faster then any other time so I'm really proud of myself! If you remember my latest picture "Desu Eyed Girl" that was my tipping point! Since then I've been feeling much better!

If you remember the last couple of posts, I've ordered a lot of stuff. Well, all of them came but the Arch Angel Michael cards, those will come in at the end of this month. I was SO READY FOR THEM TO COME NOW. But I have to wait till the 19th of this month, damnit. All the other stuff came and are wonderful! My gel candle and soap books are so cute and fascinating. I don't have any materials to start making either but I'm going to work on it soon.

Art wise I've been doing good. I've been practicing on my pencil shading more and realism. I want to start sketching pictures in the morning so I can tighten up that area. I've also started drawing pictures without the line art but with all colored pencils! The said picture is still have yet to be finished but I love how its coming out. Hopefully I'll get back to it so I can finally post it here.

I'm thinking about deleting my Candy Sanctuary fan page over at face book. I've been posting my blog updates there but its still very dry and I have no real desire to get it up and running. Since that requires me going around and start friending people and other things on the site. I don't like face book much outside of what's happening to the few people I actually pay attention too. The other problem was that I didn't want to have a zillion sites that I would have to keep up with so I was trying to find a solution to either let it go or not. But I caved and got a tumblr instead without deleting the fan page XD. I've always loved tumblr because of the TONS AND TONS of cute pictures people will post. If I got into a bad mood I would just look at someone's page till my anger died out haha. So yeah, if you have a tumblr add me and vice versa! :D Though it didn't solve my problem of deleting the fan page or not haha.

Oh I forgot some things! Brandon treated me to IHOP the other day. I got the CINNI-STACK COMBO, but the damn eggs didn't have cheese in them! I was so mad because I was super hungry and wanted to eat so I had to wait a bit longer. Other then that the outing was great. Then on Sunday he treated me to a mini shopping spree of snacks when I was complaining of my snack cravings. He's so sweet, my best friend in the whole world haha!

I also got my hair done on Friday and MAN does it work wonders on the ego haha. I felt so pretty (or even more ;D) and just graceful. I wanted to take pictures of myself but I never got around to do it. XD (I hope I don't sound conceded since I believe every woman should feel like that!)

Thanks for listening to my rambling once again. Thank you for all the comments and faves on everything I do! I have a special surprise that I will give to you all soon!

Take care everyone!

♥ Yours Truly ♥

This week was full of win.

It has and I'm loving it. I've gotten so much stuff from Amazon for cheap (things for one cent) it makes no sense at all. I also went on a small shopping spree over at the Asian food grocer. I did an angel reading for a friend and he gave me a 25 dollar visa gift card! I put the money in my Amazon to try to pay for the food but it wasn't "eligible". HOWEVER I used that gift card money on some new arch angel Michael cards and this godly watercolor book. FFFF the cards won't get here till May NEAR MY BIRTHDAY.

Speaking of, my birthday is next month on the 14th. I'll be *drum roll* 22! Man, time flies and I'm really getting old compared to the average demographic to this site. Maybe I should pack my stuff and GTFO over to DA like everyone else *shot*. I would never do that, leave this site. Even if I eventually move on, I will always come back here some how. This place is like my second home. Getting back on track I haven't thought of anything I should get, I don't even know what I want for my birthday. I was thinking about some really bad ass earphones, or even hmmm maybe a Wii? Wii's are uber cheap now. WAIT 3DS! Even though I barely play the DS as it is haha. So many things I could get! Brandon is planning to pay my way to a trip to New York with him and his friends. They would be lovely if it all comes together since I haven't heard about the trip itself since he told me about it.

What really made this week so bad ass was that I've gotten a lot of things that I wanted/needed. I'm getting into candles and other "bath and body" things. That's where Amazon gods were shining on me giving me some super cheap books on the subjects. One book is about the making really cute soaps and the other one is all about gel candles. When I first saw the gel candle I was in LOVE and wanted to try it myself. Actually I want to try it all! Candles, lotions, sugar face scrubs, and other products that would really enhance the look and feel of the body. I think its nice to make something of your own that's natural, especially if its for the body. Its weird though, I found myself wanting to buy more "good smelling" soaps for myself when I had not interest in it before. Now, 6 months later I'm gathering the information to make it. XD

The other things I got from Amazon for crazy cheap is a silicone casing and screen protectors for my Zune Baby (my Zune HD) for one cent each. Both volumes of the Brigadoon mangas for really cheap and the first volume DVD for one cent. I actually got the Brigadoon stuff weeks ago but I figured I should mention it here too haha.

I almost forgot about my Chocolate Mousse Cakes! THANK YOU EVERYONE that hugged and faved, I was so happy that so many people liked them! It was on the front page on the day I posted them so I was ecstatic! They were also a big hit on DA I had about 50-60 hugs within 1 or 2 days! The most I've ever gotten on anything. This pass week has been the best I've had in a while hands down. So much have happened that really makes me feel I'm heading down the right path. :D

OH YEAH before I forget, I just opened my blog shop! I can't believe I was about to forget that. I finally gotten around finishing up my cake charms and threw them up in my shop. I have other charms and rings that I'm going to put up there too. For now I just got the cell phone cake charms. Spread the word if you can haha. Also HAPPY EASTER, my family didn't really celebrate it (my mom only made ham) so yeah haha. It was good and I had an awesome day.

I'm exploding over all the things I want to talk about but I'll end it here. Thanks for reading, hugging, faving, and commenting! It really appreciate it! LOVE YOU ALL!

Take care!
