New AC Unit And Other Things!

So last night I did a one page rant about my family and life. I didn't post it because is was so negative! Not that it had a lot of cussing or was really offensive but I didn't like throwing out all the bad things in my life. I like to post about my developments in the week and showing myself and the world how in small and big ways I'm moving forward. When I read over that ranty post it just brought me down and all I could see was a really effed up week(s) of just me beating a VERY dead horse. Plus all the other things that I wanted to post about (the positive things) wasn't there so I decided to keep it for myself and start over today!

First off I got my very own AC unit! After many years of sharing and/or not having an ac of my own my dad came through and brought me one. Brandon and my dad installed it last night, it was a total pain in the ass and overly complicated (coming from a person that had NOTHING to do with installing it! XD). I turned it on last night and it works like a champ. Its going to be ungodly hot for the next three days so I'm glad that I'll be comfortable this go round.

With that said, this will be a good time to start drawing again and planning out things! I haven't drawn anything in about a week or two. I didn't have an art block or anything but I just didn't feel like drawing, or had any must draw ideas. Lately though I've been wanting to create characters and practice on realism so this is a great opportunity for me! I think I might also make some clay items of some kind. Its going to be super hot so I don't really want to be in the kitchen with the oven on haha so we'll see.

Admittedly I've have been a bit frustrated as of late. I was over at Brandon's house a lot lately so I'm not on the internet a lot nor working on anything personal. As much as I love seeing others do what they love and sell their work I really hate it when I feel like I'm still "working at it". I have tons of ideas, crafts, and products that I want to work on but I just don't have enough room for everything. I want to keep my sanity so I don't try to work on 5 very different mediums in my small room or the share kitchen. I don't have the money to buy any new hobbies and if I did there isn't enough space to keep it all or work on them. Sometimes I forget that its more of "keeping down the stress" that I don't purse more crafts outside of books on the subjects (I don't have the room for books either). I COULD go out and buy candle and soap kits and throw them among the junk in the house but I would get stressed about the space issue (and a zillion other things). So I just do what I can within my limits but even that is biting me in my ass now but I'll work through it.

Other then my frustrations, life and other wise things have been great. I saw a rainbow the day before the "rapture". I've gotten more followers for my Candy Sanctuary blog despite my lack of new deco work and other things that I probably forgot to mention.

Looking at the season change I definitely think its time to change my world layout and the other web accounts I have. I actually have a great theme in mind that I plan to do in illustrator called "Summer Time Sweet Hearts! Its really simple design and I love the name. I won't go into detail about it because I like the level of surprise. Once I'm done with my latest picture (check the last wip) I'll work on STSH next!

Thank you all for listening and reading my journal posts! Also a huge thank you to my latest subscribers (blow kisses) you all really make my day, take care everyone!
