Hello, all. I am Taigapakkunari4ev. I am a follower of Jesus Christ, and I have centered my life around my faith. I find joy sharing His word with others, so once I figure out how to post things up here, I will do so.

The path of Christ is a difficult journey that will change you forever.

Are you up for the trek?

A New Year

Well, today is January 2, 2010! HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY!! With this new decade brings us a renewed presence of getting a new start on life, whether it be losing weight, starting new with someone, or better yet, accepting Jesus Christ! My friends, with this new year, we also face new responsibility, as we do with every day. There are still so many people- family, friends, loved ones- who still are missing out on the journey of a lifetime: the opportunity to get to know the maker of Heaven and Earth. I believe it is our responsibility ac Christians and strong standers in our faith to make sure that the people around us know the LORD Savior, Jesus Christ. I will be making a prayer focus list. I will post it up for people to see who needs to be lifted up to the LORD in Heaven. I also have one just for me to look at in person if you are uncomfortable having the person's name up in public. Just PM me and tell me the person's name, and whether or not you want it posted public. Oh, and when you post the person's name, I don't mind you giving me last name if that is what you usually do, but I will only post first name and last initial on my post. Now, just for the people who are skeptical about my idea, this is just a reminder of all the people out there who need Jesus tonight, and to give some of us Christians a reality check. Just PM me if you have any questions, and tell me how your New Year's celebration went! :) HAPPY NEW YEAR, and may God bless you all!

Whatever You're Doing...

Oh, you generation, why do you turn from the Father of who life pours from His arms open wide? Why do you scour the earth for pleasure and satisfaction when there is all and more in His presence? Why do we try to seek happiness in empty things: possessions, money, love, addictions, and other worldly things? Why are we so determined to look to everything but God, our Father, our Creator for guidance first, or until we fall to our knees and hit rock bottom? Oh, generation, I know the Lord is working within us and bringing more back to the safety of His arms, but why is it so difficult for us to understand that He is all we need? Oh, generation, once you finally see that when your idols give you no comfort in times of despair, look to the Heavens and know that your Father is crying for you, that you have left Him. It is never too late to run back to Him, but you must make the choice in this life. If you ave never felt the love of the Father pour from the sky, and felt the affection of God in you like warm sunlight on your skin, you have never lived. Jesus is the light, the way, our salvation, and our perfect love. he is the healer of souls, he is the teacher who is righteous, he is the Savior who took our sins to Calvary, and paid our ransom with nails pierced through his hands. If you feel like you don't belong, or if you feel forgotten, look to the skies and know that if all else fails in this life, the God of the universe loves you more that the sun and the stars of which he taught how to shine. If you have been abused in any way, know that it was not your fault and that He still cares for you above all. If you are lonely, don't fear the quiet, it just makes it easier to hear the lord.

The LORD will never forsake you because He has died for you.
Don't ever feel that God loves you any less for who you are or what your race is. It is written in John Ch.4 that Jesus-a Jew- talked to a Samaritan woman. You see, Jews and Samaritans did not ever associate. Jesus loves all, and He knew that the woman needed to know Him, so he talked to her and loved her just as much as any other man or woman on the earth.
No matter what you have done, the Lord will love you no less, and He will forgive your sins. in John Ch.8, Jesus was dining with the Pharisees and a prostitute woman entered the house. She saw Jesus and instantly knew who He was. She ran to him, tears streaming down her face, made his feet wet with her tears, and dried them with her hair. Jesus forgave her of all she had done because of her faith in Him. Even a sinful woman as she was cleansed white as snow through Jesus Christ.

So no matter who you are, where you have been, or what you have done, Jesus will have His arms open wide for you to run to Him, and He will forgive you of your sins if only you ask. Friends, may the peace and joy of the Lord be with you tonight and forever!

PM me any time if you want to speak to me. My name is S.L, so feel free to talk to me! Peace be with you, and God bless! :)

My Definition of darkness

Okay, well, my definition of darkness is sin: a life without Jesus, my Savior. I have felt the darkness, and I have been saved from it. I used to live a life of complete sin and hopelessness and hate; a life where I hated my family, myself, and I questioned my faith. There was a day that finally came where I asked Jesus Christ to come into my heart, and I have lived out of the darkness, hopelessness, tragedy, sin. I still have my slip-ups, but He forgives me with a loving heart, and welcomes me back with open arms! Darkness is a life without God; without love; without guidance; a death-sentence. Darkness can be cast away, but only by the love of Jesus Christ! :)

if anyone has a comment or question, feel free to PM me! :)