This is just a bunch of skits I came up with. The skits are just the type of conversations people from otaku would have if they were in an RPG.
Hopefully it will get better later on. Anyway, enjoy!

Named characters:
Lloyd: Stirring Lancer
Manda: Mothering Cleric
Iggy: Crazy Mage
Toshi: Emo Swordsman
Farah: Short-Tempered Ninja (Traitor)
M: Evil Summoner
Bina: Hyperactive Axe Girl
???: ???
Moir: Laid Back Archer (???)
SRV: Nuisance Knight (Pain)
???: ???

The Traitor, The Nuisance and The Masked Man.

Iggy: Oooooh just wait until Iggy gets her hands on her! (Angry)
Manda: Is this about Farah? (head tilted)
Iggy: No I'm talking about that stupid head who betrayed Iggy! (angry)
Manda: Her name was Farah. (sighing)
Iggy: Whatever, Iggy... Iggy liked her. (sad)
Lloyd: I think we're all making too much fuss over this, it's not like she was actually worth keeping around. (normal)
Manda: Lloyd! You can't just say something like that! (angry)
Lloyd: Well it's true. Good riddens I say. (normal)
Toshi: We did get pushed back a fair bit because of her... (normal)
Lloyd: Exactly. We were better off without her. (hmph)
Manda: Still, that's no way to talk about someone who was part of our group. (ashamed)
Lloyd: Oh well, what's done is done. (normal)
Iggy: ... (sad)

Reappearing Acts
Lloyd: Damnit! Why won't he just leave us alone! (angry)
Manda: He certainly is getting on our nerves... This is the second time already. (sighing)
Toshi: Perhaps he has some reason behind his actions. (normal)
Lloyd: Not unless his reasons are to just piss me off! (angry)
Manda: Calm down, Lloyd. Getting annoyed will only make it worse. (normal)
Iggy: Iggy has an idea! (cheery)
Manda: What? (head tilted)
Iggy: Iggy forgot. (catface)
Lloyd: Well we need to try and stay one step ahead of him next time. (normal)
Manda: That's a bit hard when he just shows up in the most stressful situations only to make the situation worse. (sighing)
Lloyd: He's always been like that... (ashamed)
Manda: What was that, Lloyd? (head tilted)
Lloyd: Nothing... (ashamed)

Lloyd: So who is this wanted guy? He sure has been around for quite a while, and his bounty just keep going up. (normal)
Manda: I don't know but that mask certainly adds to his mysterious nature. (normal)
Lloyd: That's right. You've always had a crush on him haven't you? (smirking)
Manda: What? That's impossible I don't have a crush on anyone, don't make such crazy accusations! (embarrassed)
Lloyd: So keeping a poster of him under your bed and staring dreamily at him every night before you sleep isn't what you would call a crush? (smirking)
Iggy: Ooooo Mamma has a crush! (cheery)
Manda: What? Lloyd how did you...? (angry)
Iggy: Mamma and the poster boy sitting in a tree, K I S S I N G. (catface)
Manda: Sh-shut up! (embarrassed)
Iggy: Who are we talking about anyway? (confused)
Manda: You don't know? (shocked)
Toshi: More. (normal)
Lloyd: Who? (confused)
Toshi: The name on the poster. (normal)
Lloyd: How dumb are you? It says Mwar, learn to read! (hmph)
Toshi: If you say so. (normal)
Manda: You're both wrong, it clearly says... (normal)
Lloyd: You would know, Manda. (smirk)
Manda: Shut up! (angry)

Iggy's Birthday Special

Birthday Birthday!
Iggy: Hooray! Today is Give-Iggy-Free-Stuff day! (excited)
Lloyd: What are you on about now? (normal)
Farah: *yawn* Why are we up so early in the morning? (tired)
Iggy: Iggy's Give-Iggy-Free-Stuff day is today! (excited)
Farah: I have no idea what you're talking about. (thinking)
Lloyd + Farah: ... (shocked)
Toshi: Happy Birthday, Iggy. (normal)
Iggy: Yus! (cheery) Now where's Iggy's present? (angry)
Toshi: ... (normal)
Iggy: Bad! *smack* (angry) What about you Mamma? (cheery)
Manda: Nnng... (asleep)
Iggy: MAMMA! *smack* (cheery)
Manda: Hey who hit me? (angry)
Iggy: That would be Lloyd. (catface) Anyway now that you're up you can give Iggy her present. (cheery)
Manda: Huh? Present...?(tired) ... Nnng... (asleep)
Iggy: MAMMA! *smack* (angry)
Manda: Who hit me this time? (angry)
Iggy: I dunno Toshi or someone. (catface) Present time! (excited)
Manda: I'll cook your favourite dish... (tired)... zzz. (asleep)
Iggy: Boring! (hmph) Lloyd! Farah! Presents! (angry)
Farah: I don't have any. Here have an Apple Gel*. (hmph)
Iggy: Iggy's favourite! Nom nom nom! (cheery)
Lloyd: I believe I paid for that. (sighing)
Farah: Hmm? Did you say something? (uninterested)
Lloyd: *sigh* (sighing)
Iggy: That leaves Lloyd! (cheery) Give Iggy present now! (angry)
Lloyd: Why do I get the feeling it's not even your birthday? (sighing)
Iggy: Why would Iggy lie? (catface)
Lloyd: Oh, I don't know... To get free stuff maybe. (thinking)
Iggy: You know nothing about Iggy! (hmph)
Lloyd: Oh I know enough. (normal)
Iggy: Psh *smack* I'll remember this for your birthday! (hmph)
Lloyd: Fine by me. (normal)
* Apple Gel: Restores 30% HP

The Short-Tempered Ninja

A Bad Start
Lloyd: So you're a ninja, huh? (smirking)
Farah: Yeah, what about it? (normal)
Lloyd: Nothing, it's cool I guess. (thinking)
Farah: What do you mean by "I guess"? (annoyed)
Lloyd: Calm down, what's got your panties in a bunch? (smirking)
Farah: ARGH! Is this how you treat all new people to your group? (angry)
Lloyd: No just the ones I like. (smirking)
Farah: Wipe that stupid look off your face. (angry/embarrassed)
Lloyd: Perhaps we may have had a bad start. (smirking) My names Lloyd, nice to meet you. (smiling)
Farah: ... (angry/embarrassed)

Farah's Confusion
Manda: How are you getting along with the group, Farah? (normal)
Lloyd: (smirking)
Farah: Good, I guess. There are those that get on my nerves. (annoyed)
Manda: Hmm? Like who? (head tilted)
Farah: No one really. (normal) ... (shocked) I said wipe that smirk off your face before I wipe it off for you! (angry)
Lloyd: What? This is my normal face. (smirking)
Manda: Yeah, when you're thinking something sinister... (sighing)
Farah: ... (annoyed)
Iggy: Who is this intruder in Iggy's fortress?! (angry)
Farah: F... Fortress? (shocked)
Lloyd: Iggy, this is Farah, she joined our group not that long ago. You were there remember.(normal) And this is a campsite, not a fortress. (sighing)
Iggy: She joined Iggy's group without Iggy's knowledge? (surprised) You people have betrayed Iggy. (crying)
Farah: Sh... she's crying? (shocked)
Manda: Don't worry, she'll forget in a few minutes. (sighing)

Too Much Information
Farah: So who are you meant to be? (normal)
Toshi: Toshi. (normal)
Farah: Have you been around here long? I don't exactly see you around much. (head tilted)
Toshi: I've always been here. (normal)
Farah: Oh well then you need to make yourself noticed more. (uninterested)
Toshi: ... (normal)
Farah: Not the talkative one, hey. (smirking)
Toshi: Not really. (normal)
Farah: So I guess there's nothing that phases you. (smirking)
Toshi: ... (normal)
Farah: Not even if I tell you that I'm wearing sexy pink lingerie? (sinister grin)
Toshi: ... (normal)
Lloyd: Well that certainly is interesting. (smirking)
Farah: Lloyd?! What the hell?! *smack* (angry/embarrassed)
Manda: Well it is... different. (surprised)
Farah: Manda, you too? (sighing)
Manda: Should a girl your age be wearing sexy lingerie? (head tilted)
Farah: I'm not really! (embarrassed)
Iggy: What does "Lon Jor Hay" mean? And why is Farah wearing it? (confused)
Farah: This is your fault! *smack* (angry)
Lloyd: Ow! What did I do? (hurt)
Toshi: ... (normal)

The Emo Swordsman

The Beginning of Insanity
Iggy: As leader, Iggy would like to welcome you to the group! (cheery)
Toshi: Thank you. (normal)
Lloyd: Iggy, for the last time we don't have a leader... (sighing)
Iggy: Details, details! Iggy is still in charge! (cheery)
Toshi: So... Iggy is or isn't the groups leader? (confused)
Iggy: Is! Is is is is is is is is is! (angry)
Lloyd: She's not, really. (sighing)
Iggy: *smack* Accept me as your ruler! (proud)
Toshi: Wait... she's the ruler now? (confused)
Manda: I welcome you to the beginning of your insanity... (sighing)

Fighting Strategy
Toshi: This may be a weird question to ask but what exactly is your typical battle strategy? (normal)
Lloyd: Why did you ask that? (sighing)
Iggy: Iggy's strategy is perfect! (proud)
Toshi: And that means...? (normal)
Lloyd: Trust me you don't want to know... (sighing)
Toshi: It's not that bad is it? (normal)
Iggy: Of course it's not bad! Look at Mamma, she's all tuckered out from Iggy's amazing battle strategy! (proud)
Manda: ... (tired)
Lloyd: Her name is "Manda" not "Mamma". (normal)
Iggy: That's what I said. (cat face)
Toshi: But isn't Manda the cleric? Why is she the most exhausted? (confused)
Lloyd: The battle strategy... (sighing)
Iggy: I call it "Iggy's Super Awesome Strategy of Awesomeness!" (proud)
Toshi: ... (shocked)

Hair Care
Iggy: Dum de dum. (cat face)
Manda: Hey Iggy, what are you doing? (head tilted)
Iggy: Oh, just washing Toshi's hair. (cat face)
Manda: Toshi, you're okay with that? (normal)
Toshi: hm... (normal)
Manda: Well, it's good to see you two getting along. (smiling)
Iggy: Okay! All done, off you go! (cheery)
Toshi: ... (normal)
Manda: Well that was nice of you, Iggy. (smiling)
Iggy: Iggy is always nice, Mamma! (cat face)
Manda: It's Manda... (sighing)
Iggy: Right! (cat face)
Toshi: ... (hurt)
Manda: Toshi, what happened to you? (worried)
Toshi: Monsters attacked... but I managed to get through them. (hurt)
Iggy: And you didn't come get Iggy? (angry)
Manda: I wonder what made them attack? (thinking)
Lloyd: Hey! Who used this Dark Bottle*? (angry)

* Dark Bottle: An item used to attract monsters.

The Sexy Kitty Lady

Welcoming the Mage - Part 1
Manda: Well, Lloyd. Aren't you going to welcome the new member of the party? (normal)
Lloyd: Huh? Why me? (shocked)
Manda: What's wrong? You don't want to greet the newcomer? (head tilted) Are you scared? (smirking)
Lloyd: No! (angry) Hey! Iggy was it? Welcome to... (normal)
Iggy: MONSTERS! ROAR! FIREBALL ATTACK! (excited) The cowbells are ringing... ringing... ringing... (shifty)
Lloyd: (shocked)
Manda: Let's let her calm down first. (shocked)

Welcoming the Mage - Part 2
Lloyd: You try this time (sighing)
Manda: Fine... fine... (normal) So, uh... Hey Iggy. (nervous)
Iggy: Hello. (smiling)
Manda: Lloyd and I would like to welcome you to our group. (normal) I hope this journey allows us to become good friends. (cheery)
Iggy: Well thats great and all... but shouldn't it be Iggy's group? (thinking)
Manda: Um... what makes you say that. (nervous)
Iggy: Well, Iggy is the leader, after all. (normal)
Manda: ... We don't really have a leader, actually. (nervous)
Iggy: Well, this is why you have Iggy! (cheery)
Lloyd: It's hopeless... just give up Manda. (sighing)

A Battle Without Pain
Iggy: Right, we need to talk about the last battle we had! (angry)
Lloyd: Yeah! It was awesome! Not a single one of us got a scratch on us! (excited)
Manda: I have to say I'm rather proud of you, Lloyd. (smiling)
Iggy: No! As leader of this group Iggy must discuss the issues! (angry)
Lloyd: Huh? What issues? It was a perfect fight. (shocked)
Iggy: What kind of battle is it if we don't even get hurt?! (angry)
Manda: A perfect one? (thinking)
Iggy: No! It is a boring one! (hmph) From now on I want every battle to be near death! (angry)
Lloyd: Hang on! I'm the one in the front lines here! Don't I get a say? All I see you doing is casting spells in the back! (angry)
Iggy: *smack* Iggy is leader, therefore what Iggy says is final! (hmph)
Manda: I really don't like where this is heading. (sighing)