Congratulations on making entry to Behind the Mixer, the main world of Ryu, the aspiring recording engineer.
Age: 19
Location: Illinois, near Kat and Carney, south of Schultzie.
Aliases: Tycho, g4me_h1ro, bloodyshnozz, DERP, ryu6fw
Vertical Status: Pretty up there
Most Associated Color: Brown
Occupation: Driving Pizzas/College Student
Time Consumers: Video Games, anime, racing canoes, music, being an anime club president, traveling
Money Consumers: Video Games, manga, traveling, collecting vinyl records, expanding selection of musical instruments, Pop-tarts and Mountain Dew, conventions
"You were probably the last person I'd expect to be a dumbass." -Katana
"That's OK, I'm not too attached to my beard, despite it being on my face." -Ryu
"Because he is the Tycho, that's why." -Hider
Quick post, just to testify that I'm not completely AWOL.
This is a video I made very hastily in hopes of showing it to the Budget Board for Anime Club. Very poor editing, and not the greatest footage. I'll probably make an official one that includes club meetings, events, and our usual wacky discussions and antics. But until then...
Ooh, challenge. Guess which one is Carney? Only people that don't have him on Facebook may participate.
"An opinion should be the result of thought, not a substitute for it."
My favorite 45 purchase thus far, with side A being Johnny B. Goode (OF COURSE! /Bison)
Hey all.
Brawl tournament went....ok. Definitely not what I wanted it to be though. We made some money, which was cool, but not nearly as much as our first Brawl tournament. Even though I picked the best time and date to comply with everybody's schedule (yes, I really did talk to like, twenty or so potential competitors) attendance was still lacking. I did get one video camera to film most of it, but A: there wasn't much energy or excitement to film and B: the guy that took most of the footage seemed to focus only on Brawl, asses, and crotches. I'll leave to your imagination which one he favored.
The preceding day was the FFXIII launch party, which was WAY more exciting, and possibly the best club meeting so far. One dude played the game while we all paid loose attention, some were playing Yugioh for whatever reason, and we all just talked and hung out. Then we watched Kung Fu Panda. Why? CAUSE WE'RE FUCKIN ANIME CLUB, AND WE WANTED TO!! So we were at ECC until like, ten thirty at night, then went to a Mexican place for a quick bite then went to one of the guys's house (his name is Jesus, and I'm not joking) to play Brawl till one. When I finally got home, I found a letter addressed to me on the counter from my Grandma in Texas, giving me a hundred bucks for completing the GED. You all know what I got the next day. I give you hint. It starts with F, and ends with INAL FANTASY XIII!!!!
Went to Carney's twice this week, first for St. Patrick's Day to have a more Irish celebration than sitting at home playing video games, and second for our friend's birthday celebration, where I was able to infiltrate his Oaccount and mess with his avi once again. >:D We also watched (rewatched for me) Durarara!! ep 11 on the TV at like five thirty in the morning, which is BY FAR the most KICKASS episode. To. DATE. Speaking of dates, the nineteenth was my one year anniversary of TheO. Which means I can make rooms in chat now. Speaking of making rooms, dates, and Durarara!!, starting with episode 12, I'm going to make a chat group that convenes immediately after the closure of MST, similar to the Higashi no Eden chat way back when. Can't wait to start that up, that'll be fun.
I also announced to my club an interesting thing that is happening at Kat's college that I stumbled across. Apparently, NIU is having an Anime conference of their own, for a single Saturday. And it's free. The club seems to be up for it, so that should be fun. It's about a month from now, and I'll email them to find out what exactly will be there, but so far it looks like they'll have panels (no big name industry people, of course) pachinko thingies, and gaming. It's ten to ten, which is good for me, since I'll be booking it down there from a race I have to do that day in Burlington Wisconsin. I really don't wanna miss the race because it's a really good early season trainer, and it's also a potential money maker. In fact, last year's winnings paid of my hotel room to Acen.
Speaking of convention things, my aunt made an interesting proposition, which, after much deliberation, I accepted. It was after we collected materials for my Lloyd cosplay at JoAnn, which went very well.
"I will pay for this costume and the next if you play the National Anthem at USCA Nationals in Peshtigo this year."
".....lemme call you back, I don't want to make this decision while I'm hungry."
I went paddling/running with her today, and she upped the ante, including the registration fee for that early Wisconsin race. I switched out the part about the next costume and replaced it with buying a Lloyd wig, and now that's that. She wants me to play it on all the days, on both guitar and sax. Not at the same time. Not that I couldn't, but....
Speaking of canoeing and Peshtigo, I'll be heading up there this spring break to get some paddling in with some really fast paddlers. One of them is Joe Johnson, who is a National champion and looks like he's in his mid forties, but turned sixty last year, and can totally kick my ass. We'll be staying once again at Crozier's place, who is responsible for making the majority of all racing canoes. I've slept on his living room floor quite a few times before, and his wife makes good coffee. If I just bring poptarts, I'm good to go. Hopefully, if I pull this off right, maybe I can go see Schultzie on Saturday?
Tomorrow (or today, now) I'm meeting one of our club members at the riverfront to go paddling. That should be fun. Hopefully, I can make him stick with it, which might be a tad hard. It's cold, windy, we're getting in water, in a big honking aluminum canoe, and paddling for like an hour. Even some paddlers would say no to that, lol. I really hope he decides to give it at least one more go afterwards, 'cause then he'd be able to get in a cruiser, which is way more fun than aluminum. Or maybe I'll just bring my C-1 to club one day; there's a pond on campus that I have no problem taking advantage of.
First time visiting the Official theOtaku World in ages, and what do I see? Two pictures where I was RIGHT NEXT TO THE PHOTOGRAPHER BOTH TIMES. GEEZ. The Vic one was pretty funny, but the Kamina Vs. Ryu picture was WAY better than Kat and Nehs staring at a phone. Though I did read Nehs's bacon comment and loled.
This took too long. And I bet I'm still leaving out vital parts. I do way too much nowadays.
"Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes."
Hey all.
So, paddling season has started again. My first day of canoeing began on Saturday. We were out for about an hour and twenty minutes, with quite a few other boats. Went out again today with just my partner for two hours. I think I enjoy paddling in frigid temperatures more than others, because they get psyched out a little bit. Saturday I went in only flip flops, shorts, and a t-shirt, while everybody was covered head to toe in some sort of skin tight insulation. Today I walked through snow and ice barefoot to get to the river. Nothing like gettin' back in touch with the outdoors after a long, indoor winter by going yeti. I'll go to Wisconsin for a few days during spring break to get some really long hours in, and there's at least one club member that is genuinley interested in getting in the boat. Which would be cool, 'cause I don't really have a partner for the Des Plaines race, which is an eighteen mile race the Sunday of Acen. I have no problem doing it alone, in fact, I've been wanting to do it alone again, but it'd be pretty sweet to have someone from club race with me.
Saturday through Sunday Carney and I went to a friend's birthday party. For the most part, it was kinda sucking, but then we discovered we really, really like darts. It's really the closest thing we can get to curling, which is fucking awesome, and it was a great game to talk over and stuff. We stayed up till six, for reasons I cannot concieve. I woke up and eight thirty and left immediately, because I was pretty sure a gay kid there violated me. Proof? I woke up with him spooning me with my clothes askew. Time to go. This was all rather unfortunate, because I made plans to go with my aunt to go look for materials for my Lloyd cosplay in the afternoon. Well, I went back to sleep in the safety of my own home at ten, and didn't wake up till five. Oops. I hate it when I do that. But I suppose it might be a good thing, since I don't have the money to buy materials anyway.
Speaking of buying things, two things came out within the past 48 hours that I am unable to get that I really want. First off, of course, is FFXIII. I reserved it a long time ago, but never saved the money for it. And now, I suffer. Gamefly sent me Midnight Club Los Angeles in hopes to lift my spirits, but it's just not the same. Also, the new Jimi Hendrix album (I know that sounds weird, bare with me) came out the eighth, 'Valleys of Neptune'. It's an album of a bunch of studio stuff that was never released, and apparently, it rips. Oh wait, scratch that, THREE things came out. The new Gorillaz album, Plastic Beach, also came out today. And I don't have it. :( For these two, Acen sent me my badge today in hopes to lift my spirits, but it's just not the same.
Know what would be handy? A job. Yeah, a nice, good job would do the trick.
Oh well. It's probably not a total bad thing I have no money right now. I've always prided myself about not really caring much about monetary gain, but I suppose wanting all these material things is just as bad. Although, it is nice, to you know, eat when I'm hungry and stuff. And not mooch. Katana knows what I'm talking about.
Also, this Friday is gonna be the Singles Brawl Tournament, hosted by the Anime Club. We're expecting a really good turnout, so it should be a lot of fun and very productive. I've a number of club members to bring video cameras so that we can record one of our events and put it on our websites. That would be pretty cool. It may not be instrumental in increasing members, but after looking at our website, we seem to be missing content that show club members and activities in aciton. My goal: make all of you join the ECC Anime Club after watching the video. >:D
Have you ever blamed somebody for doing something, then totally went off on them, only to have another dude come up to you and say, "It was me," and you kinda just go "Oh...." That's pretty much my feeling with the last post about Code Geass R3. I was shown this link which explains that R3 will not be a continuation of the current storyline, but will in fact go back to the Edo period and give us a better backstory to C.C's character. That is something I can live with much easier than what I thought previously. However, I'm not entiretly content with it, as the other two characters are very similar to Suzaku and Lelouch. I have no major problem with it; if they turn out to be ancestors, that would be badass, but I think it's mostly a move to just make the fangirls go OMFG A BETTER LELOUCH AND SUZAKU FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. Although it is a more tasteful addition to the series than I had assumed (never assume, it makes an ass of u and me) I still retain my decision that it's a money making anime. I do agree with what Redj and Shin said in reply to my last post, that we really can't be suprised that they'd take something that works and fly with it, but Yugioh thought so too. It's just not always the best idea. I will watch it as it comes out and give an actual, solid opinion on the matter, 'cause who knows, maybe it's really fucking awesome and will blow my brain bits.
I've also watched the first five or six episodes of Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni. That is INTENSE!! Can't wait to pick it up again after I'm done being distracted by Nostalgia Critic.
I know this had been known since December, but I always treated it as a rumor, a 'possibility', until I saw this scan today in club:
A while back, and a bit more today, we discussed our thoughts about a third season of Code Geass, and just now I did a mini rant on facebook, so I thought I should say it to the actual community of otaku.
I really like Code Geass. It's definitely in my top five, no matter what other people say. It's intelligent, well done, the art style is wonderful, the story is fantastic, and the characters are phenomonal, as expected of CLAMP. Every character introduced was important, and there were very few legitimate fillers; they liked to keep things moving. They did not kill characters without reason (although the many 'resurrections' of characters that should've definitely stayed dead was a bit vexing) and the views and philosophies were not totally broken, unlike another mech anime I just watch *COUCH EVANGELION COUGH*.
The discussion we had a while back about Code Geass was whether or not I thought it was a money-making anime. I said that it was not, which was fun to say since I was wearing a Code Geass bag >>. And I had my reasons. Bleach, Naruto, One Piece, even D. Gray Man, and soon, Fairy Tale, are all in my book, money-making anime because their content is not equivalent to the amount of their story. They keep going on and on, for hundreds of episodes, because it is a product that can be bought over and over again, with no signs of slowing. The original storyline is long since gone, and serious development takes place once in a blue moon. I don't care anymore about the art style cause it gets old, just like anything else that goes on for ages, and I don't care about the characters because they become overdramtatic or are only introduced for the sole purpose to be killed later. I refer to such anime series as 'money-making corporate pieces of shit that don't deserve huge masses of my time'. Except D. Gray Man. That show rocks.
Code Geass did not fall in this category. The creators knew the secret for awesome character development, and it's called CLAMP. They didn't need to draw anything out, because their writers were so great that they could create entire seasons with well thought out plots, sub-plots, conflicts, etc. The writers were hired because they got a shiny A in Literature class, 'cause they realized that in many great stories and novels, there are no segments that go 'Wait a second, I'm gonna do something pointless here so I can increase page count.' For the most part, everything in that series made sense (more or less, depending on the person). It was very artistic, and most of all, it had a perfect ending. If I had to throw it in music terms, the end of season one was a half cadence, and end of season two was a full cadence. It was just a great way to end the series, and uncompromised by the money-loving suits.
That was an accepted answer, and there was no more debate whether Code Geass was a 'money-making series' or not.
"If they make a third season, which is rumoured they will, what will you think of it then?"
"Then I'd have to agree that it's a money-making corporate piece of shit."
And now, it is. And I'm a bit upset. I keep saying over and over again, it had such a great ending, it did not need to go on. In fact, storywise, it would unwise to go on. It's the equivalent of a folk story teller going "...and so, Snow White married the handsome prince, and they lived happily ever after. The End. .....BUT THEN...!!" It's just dumb. Why have a great story when drawn-out, saturated mediocre crap sells better? 'Cause otherwise, TBS and Adult Swim will bitch about not having another award-winning series in their lineup, and eventually, DVD sales will go down unless Code Geass the RTS game comes out. Can't just make another equally cool series, and start a whole new line of income? No, that requires more effort and work, can't have that. Let's just smash and destroy the good of the season two ending and use it's rubble as soil to plant our tree of yen. Sounds good to me.
And even after all of that, I won't be sure of whether I decide to watch the season as it comes out or not. I'm sure I'll eventually watch it, but I don't know if I want to be excited throughout the season as I was through season two.
I know I have more to say about this, but I think this is good for now.
I have become slightly addicted to Brawl, thanks to my club members.
Yesterday, I stayed at school from 10:30 to past 6, playing nothing but Brawl, Melee, and original N64 Smash inbetween my few and short classes. I'm pretty sure this'll become my new pastime during my dead hours at school, especially Monday and Wednesday, which have morning classes and one evening class.
Today, our club's biggest Brawlaholic, Thad, called me Teichou, which is, obvious to Bleach fans, Captain in Japanese. In my head, I quickly ran through the possible conflicts with Nehs's younger sibling. I suggested kaichou or sousai, since they both mean president, but he insisted Teichou, cause it sounds better. And now, because I declared I would try to go pro with Brawl (or at least, beat a few people in our tournaments) my Brawl tag is now Tycho.
And now, I'm even looking at Gamecube controllers. What's wrong with me.
Also, I've decided to add a new word to vocabulary. Munger. I went to a metal concert last night, and one of the bands, Munger, threw out a shirt, which I casually caught. It has one of the stankiest odors ever. The only way you can describe is Munger. So anytime I need to describe something that's indescribable in a not-so-positive way, it shall be referred to as MUNGER!!!