- Created By Tsutsumi24
Update Much?
Ohayou Gozaimasu...
It's been quite a while since I have updated here, I've been really busy with school lately.
Now, I know just about no one reads this, but I do it anyway.
So...I had dated Tyler's bestie, Riley, and well, that went to shit, because I felt terrible for it. Tyler and myself are now engaged...again. This time, things have really changed. He no longer ditches me for his idiot Alec, rather...he tells Alec off. Alec recently moved, though, so we are both feeling the relief of it. A problem has risen for me, though, with one of my old friends.
I have known this girl for almost five years now, and we have been friends for the same amount of time. Not once have we separated over something as petty as the fact that she doesn't like my fiance and I don't like her crush. But she's always had this fetish of degrading my fiance to my face. Talking shit, in other words. I have never taken the time to be so petty as to walk up to her and say, "I hate (name of her crush) so much. His face makes me sick. He's such a jerk, I don't see what you like about him. Ew." and I never stopped to call him "the plague". She, however, does it all the time when it comes to my fiance, and I decided to confront her about it by telling her it just didn't seem fair. She told me she would try to be nice from then on.
As soon as Tyler came home, she began to ignore me. A lot. I checked my facebook one day, and she had commented on one of my many photo albums. Now, I'm told that I am very photogenic, and good at taking photos in general. I don't mean just of me, but of others and of nature and whatnot. So I have a lot of pictures. It's completely normal, and most of my friends and family promote it. Her comment was as follows: "My god get a life."
Let me elaborate on something...She herself has absolutely no life whatsoever. She worries all the time about what is going on in everyone else's lives, instead of worrying about her own. She doesn't stop to try and excel in her classes like her teacher's want her to because they know she can. She has constant petty emotional breakdowns about stupid things.
Through all of these, every single one, including the one's dealing with her crush, I have always been there for her. Never asking anything of her in return. So that comment of her's irritated me. Highly. When I get this irritated, I tend to say very...mean and flaming things. The arguement is as follows:
me:Asia, let me say this for you.
You worry so much about the people's lives around you rather than your own that I think it is YOU who needs to get a life. You're a little prissy bitch, and you don't even have the courage to tell the one you'v...e liked since GOD knows when that you like him. You bitch and complain about it all the time, you whine about stupid shit like a teacher wanting you to excel in your life. You need to get over yourself. If you want to be a bitch, feel free. But don't sit here and comment on MY stuff just to piss me off. Get your own life, and if you so much as try to comment or message about this, or even SPEAK to me, I swear to god you will wish you never fucking knew me.
Asia:Let me tell u something,
at least i know when to quit. And i dont go back to some one who almost everybody on the planet knows will hurt me, then cry about it. Im sorry that my teachers want me to excel in life, which by the way sweetheart is more than i can say for u. Oh! and im EXTREMELY sorry that i care enough about you to be concern about what is happening. Plus, if u hadn't noticed, i do have a life which doesnt include a guy that will eventually hurt me, AGAIN. And by the way im not afraid to tell Lyon i like him, i dont because it would hurt both me and him. that part about me complaining all the time is funny 'cause for the last THREE YEARS i've listen to YOU bitch and complain and bitch some more. Im through with you and you can take that egotistic attitude and shove it where the sun dont shine. At least I have people who will stick by me no matter what which in case you havent heard you had little to none.
Oh, by the way. i just commented on your message.
Dont worry this is the LAST time i talk to you, EVER. If you have something to say about it talk to my face, not behind my back like the cockroach you are.
So, there you have it. Suddenly, over something as petty as the fact that I enjoy taking pictures and I am happy with my fiance caused her to say things to me, which got me upset enough to say something back, and ended our relationship.
Calling me a cockroach and a bitch...both are complements to me. You see, cockroaches are the only thing that could survive something as terrible as nearly ending the world, and well...a bitch is a female dog, dogs bark, bark is on trees, trees are a part of nature, and nature is beautiful.
I have more friends than she can count, so she doesn't know what she's talking about...she doesn't know when to stop, and my teachers DO want me to excel in life, which I've been doing my best with. Her comment about Lyon, her crush, is bull, because he has said multiple times just how much he loathes her entirely, and wishes she would leave him alone. The girl stalks him for Pete's sake. And I worry about that.
I worry for her quite a lot, because she doesn't realize that what she says is all something that she gets from her state of mind. She's never happy, and that worries me. I wonder if she has depression, and that thought frightens me, because if she does and nobody knows, she might end up killing herself, and as angry as I am that she is still acting like a child over me being with my fiance who doesn't hurt me and keeps me happy...I don't want her to go and do something stupid. I do still care. How could I not? We were friends for so long, it's hard to just let that go. If she would have just dropped the situation and been fair about things, this would never have happened. If she hadn't been rude to me over something as small as a photo album, we wouldn't have fought like this. I never wanted to lose her as the friend she was to me. But she managed to make it happen, and now I hear that she is upset about it. She cried, in our third hour. I saw her, I knew she was crying, and I found out it was because she can't believe I'm letting such a stupid thing come between us. My friend, Joe, told her, "I'm sorry brought it upon yourself, Asia. You started the whole thing off by being...well...a bitch to her." Joe speaks her mind, and I appreciate her for that, but she is completely right to tell Asia such a thing. Asia brought it on herself to lose me the way she has.
I don't know whether or not I should talk to her about it. I refuse to apologize for something I didn't start.
Another issue comes in with the fact that someone I was rebuilding a friendship with is now shunning me for being with Tyler. Devan, a guy I became friends with in ninth grade and lost the summer before I was a sophomore, gave me a nasty look and shook his head at us today. A lot of people are giving us problems because we are back together again, and a lot closer than we used to be.
I don't know if I should think of it as jealousy or just plain pettiness. And I don't know why people can't just be happy for us because we're happy together. It's a shame, and it hurts. We've begun to appreciate having each other even more than ever because people keep pushing us away all over us being together. We feel as though we only have each other now. It's something we just can't lose.
On a lighter note, I've been doing better in school, and Tyler and myself are doing wonderfully together. My trip to Australia this summer is canceled, but it gives me time to get a summer job.
I want to also thank my otaku friends who wished me a happy birthday. :3 it made me smile.
I'm going to leave my post at this, I suppose, and smile and say...please welcome the black haired Audi. ^_^ Yes, I dyed my hair black. :3 I love it.
Just thought I would say...
Okay so I just thought I would say that me and Tyler are completely incapable of not speaking to one another. O_o It's....terrible. Pathetic. We are friends again. I just don't understand it. And you know what? I'm a terrible liar. Because I DO miss him horribly, and I wish he would decide to keep his promise instead of leave for good. I hate that he is choosing someone who lied, cheated, got pregnant with the person she cheated on him with, and left him...I just...UGH. I don't understand anymore. I want MY Tyler back. It really sucks.