- Created By Tsutsumi24
School!!! Escuela!!! YAAAA!!!
So, school has started for me again. :3 So far, I'm really loving my Junior year classes. And I have a free period first hour on my A-days. :D Hence how I'm updating this. Heh heh.
So I have Spanish 1 this year. And I'm learning spanish. But it seems like my favorite thing to say/ask is, "Donde esta el bano?" ("Where is the bathroom?") XD
I wear completely emo clothing this year, and I do my hair straightened in my face. Kinda like...scemo sk8er. Scemo, if you're wondering, is scene-emo. I do my makeup dark, you eyeliner and stuff. And I paint my nails black. All I need now is to dye my hair black. XD My parents, shockingly, are allowing me to dress and look this way. They honestly no longer care just as long as I'm not doing the wrong things, such as:
-Giving bad attitude
-Doing poorly in school
-Being sexually active at a young age
-Dating Tyler XD
So basically, I'm fine to do what I want as long as I keep up on things. Not only that, but I have my iPod Touch back, and my cellphone as well. I have to turn them in before I go to bed, and I don't get them back till homework is done, but it's still worth it. And I have free weekends. I can do what I want when I want as long as homework and chores are done. I'm quite the happy camper.
I've been drawing lately, and noticing how much my art has improved over the years. Especially since I lived in Florida. I might post some art today, but it won't look as great as it would if I scanned it. The pictures were drawn and then I caught a camera picture of the drawing on my phone. I then uploaded the images onto the school computer I am using, and that's how I'm going to upload it. Or. Them. Haha.
Oh, over the summer, I spent two weeks out in Florida, visiting my dad, little brother, and my father's new wife. I went to SeaWorld for the first time, and Busch Gardens. That one was a first as well. We had a BLAST. It was amazing. Sadly, I can't handle rides the way I used to be able to. I get sick very easily now on roller-coasters and spinning rides. It frustrates me, because that makes it difficult to enjoy myself on trips that I go on for fun. It truly truly sucks. But anyway, we also went to the beach. Ahh the beach. I haven't been to one in so long that the sun scorched my skin rather badly, and the salt water made my legs burn as though there were jellyfish stinging from all directions. Mind you, there were NO jellyfish where we were. Still, it was fun, even if I had trouble sleeping with a cooked back. XD
I taught my little brother a few things about how to draw like I do, and I was very happy to see that he is a fast learner and good listener when it comes to things that interest him. He is on his way to becoming a great artist. I'm very proud of him.
Now for things out here...
Since I'm in school, there is drama. And where there is drama, there is stress. I can't stand it. Already. We are four days into the school year, and there is already a heap of drama starting. "So-and-so cheated on such-and-such!" "I hate so-and-so, you should help me kick their ass." Yeah, uh, No. Not going there. I'm really tired of all the drama bullshit. It's stupid. So someone cheated on someone else. What do I have to do with it? Nothing. So leave me out of it, right? But they seem to think that they need to tell me!!! So it irritates me.
Curious thing, how drama starts so horribly once you hit high school. BOOM! There it is.
Well, I suppose I will wrap this up now. I have a dance to prepare for tonight. Yay. Hasta luego!!!