You're in for some fun today! 8D ...Or some weirdness. I was thinking about some of the old ideas I had for some of my characters, and I decided that I'm going to share some of them with you. xD Haha. This post'll probably be kind of long.
I had considered all of these things at one point in time or another...

1) Tim x Jake
HAHA... this is one of the weirder ideas, now that I look back on it... By the way, yes, that's what Jake looks like. helookskindoflikeTB....
So I had this idea that Tim's best friend secretly has a crush on Tim, and is super jealous when he's going out with Clair. When Tim breaks up with Clair, Jake somehow gets Tim alone in his room and says "It's about time you broke up with that <b-word>," and (I'm dead serious about this)... he rapes Tim.
LIKE I SAID, one of the weirder ideas. The point was that Jake doing it with Tim was supposed to make Tim bi-curious. I decided that that would be kind of pointless, 'cause Tim didn't really need Jake as an instigator to make him think about his orientation. And then Jake's character became kind of homophobic, as time went by.
2) Tim's Grandparents and Swing Music
This was kind of a random thing. I had this idea that Tim was close to his grandparents, and his grandparents got him addicted to swing music. I decided that wouldn't be plausible because Tim's Mom wouldn't take Tim to her parents, and her parents would be too young to be into swing music anyways. xD;
3) Smoking Danny
This idea is still pending, actually. :o I thought that if Danny smoked, it'd be a good way to contrast with his sugary-girly personality and emphasize that he's actually older than he tries to be. I mean, I draw him like a teenager and he tries to act like a kid, but he is in his 20s.
But I also don't want to do this idea, because I don't like having my characters smoke... ;u; The only one who smokes for real right now is Tim's mom.
4) Flirty Rick/Dare x Rick
I considered this waaaaaaay early when I created Rick. There are still some remnants of flirty Rick floating around in my gallery... As for Dare x Rick, I considered that for a small amount of time. Takara always wanted me to do Dare x Rick, and I do think it's kind of cute, but I just don't think Dare has that kind of attraction to Rick. xD
5) Jo x Kasey
You probably already know this, but I originally created Jo and Kasey to be a couple. I actually think they're pretty cute together (and I'm not even crazy about gl), but Kasey's too straight to be in a relationship with Jo. :m Although, it is canon for Jo to have a crush on Kasey. But by the time the timeline reaches the current time in OFAV she's already given up on Kasey.
6) Dean x Kasey
This was always going to be a little bit of a gag pairing...
I still think it's plausible for Kasey to crush on Dean, but they'd never become a serious pairing because Kasey crushes on any attractive boy she meets.
7) Damian x Rick
I'm pretty sure I originally created Damian to be a love interest for Rick. xD Damian is completely straight, by the way...
8) Rick Gets Drunk, And...
This was a weird scene idea for RB:SI, where Rick gets drunk and starts mackin' on Dare. The scene was cliche, so I decided it's not going to be drawn. Rick's too smart to "accidentally" drink alcohol, anyways. :P
9) Emo Dare
When I first created Dare in Rock Band 2, I was planning on him having a typical emo personality. There's still some remnants of this here and here, but by the time you reach this pic, the personality change had already happened.
10) Ginger Cassidy (Tim's Mom); also, "Normal" Cassidy
Having Cassidy be a blonde was only decided last year... I thought that Tim would've gotten his looks from his mom, until I came up with the idea of him looking almost exactly like his dad.
Also, back when Tim was just Tim and had no story, his mom was a pretty normal lady living in a normal house.
11) "Chibi forms" in Dreams; Also, blonde Luli
This is a kind of obscure idea I had. xD; I was trying to give a reason to why Luli looks so chibi while everyone else looks more detailed... and I thought that maybe everyone had a "simplified" form in Dreams and they could switch back and forth at will. xD I don't remember what the point was... I think it was you had to be in a simplified form to get into some certain building... idk. Also, I originally planned for Luli to be blonde. :9
12) Nicholay Crushing on Isaac; Also, Tome Magic
Nicholay still looks up to Isaac like a father, but the idea before was that he was so young that he confused his admiration for love. Yeah... Nicholay's not that ignorant (?), so I scrapped that.
Nicholay also used to fight with tomes (books), like mages in Fire Emblem. Now he just uses rings and bracelets to focus his power, while even more skilled mages use only their MIND AND BODY...
13) Faida Turns into a Bird
I'm still not sure what the outcome of Faida's story will be (not that you know any of it 'cause I haven't posted much about her), but an idea was that she's sick and is going to turn into a bird. ...yeah, idk. Still not sure what I'm doing with her.
14) Old Man Gaelnis
I originally planned for Falorin's main minion to be an old man... and then I made Gaelnis, and decided against that. xD
15) Depressed/anorexic/bulemic Rick
Even back in the early days of Rick, I had already decided that Rick would have a moment in 9th grade when he comes out to Dare and gets bullied at school for it. But another thing I had considered was that Rick was so upset that Dare didn't like him that he would cut himself, and would skip meals and other stuff to get skinnier (because skinnier = more like a girl = Dare would like him better, or something). In the current story, Rick does occasionally skip dinner and loses some weight... but not because he wants to look like a girl, it's because he's too embarassed/ashamed to be around his family and is busy thinking about things in his room. Nowadays I think Rick's smart enough not to intentionally do anything destructive to himself.
16) Divorced Stef
I didn't know how to draw this one, except to draw Stef in a wedding ring... It's probably on the wrong hand. :U
Anyways, I had this idea at one point that Stefan was married at one point, but decided that was kind of weird. I think I only even thought about that because Takara came up with these weird quotes for Stefan to say. xD One of them was "I tell my wife about you", so wife reminded me of divorce, and... yeah.
I think I'm going to start tagging my posts in this world. ;o It'll help with organization. When you click on a tag in a world, I didn't realize that it brings you to all the posts with the tag only in that particular world. That's pretty cool. It's kind of like google search! Like if I tag my posts with the names of the characters in the post, I'll be able to find all the posts with those characters in it! 8D It's amazing! No really, I'm pretty impressed with this. I think I'll spend my day adding tags to my old posts here, too. :m FUN LIFE.
Haha, yeah. xD; Um...
I have some sketches and stuff to post of the My Dear Princess characters. So yup...

Some sketches of Falorin, the main antagonist of the story. He's the prince of the country Endergia, also known as the Phantom Country. :0 I'll talk more about him later... I don't feel like talking much. xD
I drew him in the lovely outfit King-sama designed for him. ;3;

NICHOLAY. Ahaha. xD He's a supporting character and a friend of Isaac's. He's a 12-year-old mage/wizard. He appears to be very powerful, but he uses charms such as rings and bracelets to help him focus his magic.
I changed him a bit from his initial design.... Colors are about the same, though. (Not that you would know 'cause I didn't upload any colored pictures of him. xD)

NEW CHARACTER! Woah. xD Actually, she's been in my head... but I never designed her until now.
Her name is Faida, and she is a neutral character. (Not a good character, but not an evil character.) She leans more towards a "good" character though, because she and Hrafn (her boyfriend HAHA) travel with Isaac and his team. :P I'm not exactly sure what her part in the story is yet... she probably has some PROPHETIC POWERS or something, but that's too typical for someone with her design... so I'm still trying to think some stuff out. I'm open for suggestions! xD It'll help me get thinking.
Faida was fun to design, but she's going to be SUCH A BUTT TO DRAW. ;A; Too much random stuff.... And in reality, it's not all that complex. xD
Oh and by the way, Faida Icelandic for "wings that are folded", while her boyfriend's name, Hrafn, is Old Norse (and Icelandic) for "raven" (the bird). COINCIDENCE, FOR SURE... I was searching names on the web and found these two and liked them. xD
Also. Her dress is not actually a mermaid-cut dress, even though I wrote that on the page... I thought it was when I was drawing it, but then I looked online and found I was DECEIVED.
ANYWAYS, THAT'S ALL FOR NOW. I'll talk more about the actual story later... and once I work it out more. orz
Also, I drew these pics in this weird scrapbook with all these dots in it...I decided to use it as a sketchook. xD