Writing introductions is a bit tedious so....just take a look at my first post if you want to know more....

....and if you get curious about the name of this World or my posts, check out the second one.

Welcome to Purgatory

It's hot here.

Also, some kind of hot-key has activated itself on my laptop making typing a whole new kind of psychedelic experience. As such, this post will only last as long as I can go without freaking out and causing permanent and regrettable damage.

A lot of things happened this summer vacation. Of course, it's not over for another 2 weeks, but I'm kinda out of money for the time being. I haven't edited them yet, but I did take some pictures so hold on a bit longer!

I went to Odaiba to see the "life-size" original Gundam in all its 30th anniversary glory. I also went to summer Comiket with some girls I know and we saw a lot of really good cosplayers. They convinced me I should get back into it so it looks like this winter I'll be going as Lenalee!

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Since I used up most of my summer holidaey on going to Tokyo a few times I've gotta sit around the office till school starts up again with the new kids. They suck. But I've got two iPods and a sketchbook so I'm getting a lot of work done.

It seems I'm acting more otaku recently. I've been watching an anime called K-On! It's pretty stupid. And moe. I hate moe. But there's only 13 episodes so I guess I'll finish it. I've been obsessing over Evangelion 2.0 again. I wonder if it's still in the theater....

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...finally found shots of Asuka's test plugsuit and Mari's pink one....

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"give me strength to be kind, to combine, all the good things in life that are so hard to find cause I have and I won't let them go like I do with my friends."
