Writing introductions is a bit tedious so....just take a look at my first post if you want to know more....

....and if you get curious about the name of this World or my posts, check out the second one.

6/17 op. 3 Memories in the Rain

It's raining again. I'd like to say I hate the rain more than any other kind of weather, but that would obviously be a lie. It's the cold I hate most.

#1: "I might crumble, I might take a fall again"

I've been reading all my old entries today. I didn't mean to spend quite so much time on it, but I wanted to fix the broken links, pictures, tags, etc. & got caught up in things of the past. It's interesting to remember. Of course, that's what it's all for isn't it? In order to remember, or rather, in order to not forget. It's funny how I can see things happening while they're happening and still be unable to prevent their progression. I hate when I think I'm awake but I'm really not.

I've been wanting to redesign my banner & stuff for a while now, but it seems I've run out of time for that kind of thing today. This vacation was a bit too short for my taste. Time to start looking forward to summer!

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the 2nd series: "April is the Cruelest Month"

I love Aaron Sorkin. He's pretty much my idol as far as writers go. I was considering doing a parody ep for my show using November in the title instead of April, but, in fact he was right. I've watched "Sports Night" all the way through countless times (ok, maybe.....about 6?) and "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip" twice. I never wanted to watch "The West Wing" because it's about politics. The others are about making TV shows. I like that kind of thing, writing, producing, acting, the craziness that comes naturally with being someone who does those kinds of things. I don't like politics. In fact, I hate them. But I gave in. It's 7 seasons & I'm only on the 2nd so far, but damn if it isn't awesome. Of course, I should have known the main characters would still be writers. Speech writers, not comedy or (sports) news this time, but passionate (possibly more so) nonetheless. And even better there's all these things that keep popping up that I recognize & get all excited about. Matching episode titles, parallel characters, cameo actor appearances, even word for word repeated lines. Straight out of fucking "Sports Night." There's all these storylines, themes that he obviously wasn't done with, didn't get to work out the way he needed to thanks to idiots canceling his show, that are being revisited, fixed, better explored now & it's almost like I can watch his thought processes spinning. I'm guessing once I get closer to the end, the beginnings of "Studio 60" will start showing themselves too.

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3 days of heaven: "slip into coma calm, the coma where I calm myself down"

I went to Comiket again during Golden Week. It lasted 2 days this time. Sarah & her bf came along for the first one, but I think they were a bit traumatized. Or, he was at least. A little too much doujinshi for a first timer...and perhaps a side of his girlfriend he didn't really want to know existed. Oh well. I'm not too upset about it. I spent way too much money of course. Maye 1.5 times as much as last time? かな? It's ok of course, I've got enough. And it makes me happy. Flying, crazy happy like seeing Less Than Jake live. I got a bit sunburnt waiting in line outside Tokyo Big Sight, but it's probably not too bad. It didn't matter because I was happy like being at AnimeFestivalOrlando used to make me happy. Was having crazy flashbacks of sitting at that damn information table and eating nothing but Pocky for an entire weekend b/c I had no food, time to go buy it, or money left after getting stuff in the goods-hall anyway. It's enough happy to last until who knows when.

I'm looking out at the blue-ing sky right now & thinking, "I could read my new books, but.....maybe I should get outside to the store first."

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I think I've been asleep for a while now. Must be time to wake up.


Recently, I haven't been acting especially otaku-like. I'm only watching one anime & reading 4 manga on a weekly basis. 2 more on a monthly basis, but still nothing compared to my (what once was) usual 5 or so anime & 15 or so manga. It's because I've started being able to be around people more frequently again. It's nice, I guess. I do like a few of them a bit.

When I first moved to Japan I thought I didn't want to make any friends. That was the way I was in at home the previous 3 years so I figured it'd be fine to continue that way. Then I thought I might want to make some Japanese friends, but I soon realized that, being a teacher, it's kind of hard to meet people who are like me. Unless you count 10-14yr old girls or creepy old men, both of which are always in my schools. Girls my own age generally aren't that otaku. Or if they are, they're not working in schools so I'd kind of given up on the idea.

Last year I made a few semi-friends, teachers & counselors from the jr. highs I visited. Their lives are pretty busy though, & once I moved to a new school they stopped contacting me. Or maybe I stopped contacting them, who knows. I figured it was just a polite friendship, not one that was meant to last, and tried not to feel too dejected.

One in particular was at least semi-well-informed about otaku matters. She had a good friend who was an avid cosplayer, though I never got to meet her. I haven't heard from her in 7 or 8 months, but last week she sent me a text inviting me to go to Comiket in the middle of March. I've always wanted to go, but never had the motivation to actually check when it was, how to get there, how much it costs, etc. So I responded, & we're going! Just like that.

I seem to have made a new friend this week too. A teacher at one of my elementary schools found out I'm otaku & started asking me about cosplay. Turns out her daughter (who's probably a college kid, but I'm not sure...) is crazy into it. She always participates in events at a center in town which is conveniently right near my apartment. Coincidentally, my other friend's cosplayer friend always goes there too. So this teacher told her daughter about me & she got all excited & said she absolutely wanted to become friends. And I figured, why not? So I gave her my keitai email & she invited me to the next event. Too bad it's the same day I'm going to Comiket.....

Now I'm getting all excited about cosplay & doujinshi again. I want to buy a bunch of new books! Some with Kakashi, Hibari, Renji, Shuuhei.....ah, maybe they'll have some Harry Potter or Twilight ones! And I'm remembering all the characters I wanted to cosplay; Rangiku, Tsunade, Orihime, the ANBU squad.....I'm sure I could find more...

This could get expensive....
