Writing introductions is a bit tedious so....just take a look at my first post if you want to know more....

....and if you get curious about the name of this World or my posts, check out the second one.

Fang & Sting

I am done with Naruto. If Kakashi is dead I'm not reading it anymore. External Image

This weekend was Halloween. It's my favorite holiday and I didn't celebrate it at all. I think I felt the same way last year at this time, but I'm rather unfulfilled here lately. Sometimes I look around and think what am I doing? I go to work, I go out, I sit on the internet. It's no different than when I lived in the US. It's not because I don't have it good here, it's much better here than anywhere else money wise, friend wise, health wise....you name it, it's better in Japan. It's no different here, because I'm no different. All this time I've sat around thinking I'm getting stronger and I can do things, but I can't. There are things I want to do that everyday I tell myself I will do, and yet I don't.

So right now Beth and I are talking about being in a rut. I've thought of a good analogy. When you're looking up from the bottom of the well the walls are steep and slick. It seems impossible to ever escape from that deep hole of misery. What you don't realize is that if you'd just stop trying to scale the slimy walls and look behind you, you'd see the door that leads to the marble staircase up and out. Easy as pie. I never got myself into a situation I couldn't get myself out of.
