Writing introductions is a bit tedious so....just take a look at my first post if you want to know more....

....and if you get curious about the name of this World or my posts, check out the second one.

The Icecold Discord

I like music. I'd like to think that I like it more than the average person, but that might just be because I'm a bit conceited. Either way, I can only go so long without listening to it. I know if the time limit is exceeded b/c I just start singing on my own. I can only feel certain ways when listening to certain things. Or I only want to listen to certain things when I feel certain ways......

I actually can't write this right now without listening to two three specific songs. I need them to get the feeling right, to make the words flow better. But even so I wonder if the importance I place on lyrics is another form of self-fulfilling prophecy that I've talked myself into allowing. Sometimes though, someone else's words are just better.

"Don't know whether or not how sad I just got was of my own volition or if I'm just missing the sun. Lately the weather has been so bipolar, and consequently so have I."

External Image

I really hate Tuesday. I've always hated Tuesday.
I also hate the cold. I've always hated that too. No surprise there.
I might hate a few too many things sometimes....

"When February rolls around I'll roll my eyes, turn a cold shoulder to these even colder skies."

I knew I'd be upset when it got cold again. I knew it, & I said it, & I was prepared for it, & it happened anyway. Or did it happen because I expected it to? I was so enjoying those false Spring days last weekend & somehow, yesterday I was still holding on to the hope that it might actually last. That the weather forecast would be wrong. Why not? It's wrong all the time in Florida.

"The wind would come and the sun would shine. I'd go outside and I'd squint my eyes. But for now I'll simply just withdraw, sit here and wish for this world to thaw."

It didn't happen. I was cold all day & like a true Southerner in hibernation mode I overslept worse than I have in years. It was nice to note that I can still make it from bed to door in 7 minutes flat I suppose...but I was tired & hungry & cold and with jr. high school kids all day long. Misery, really.

"Let the waves come up and drag me down. Let the hurricane set in motion. Let the rain of what I feel right now come down."

But still, all in all, I can't say it was a bad day. I got some belated Valentine chocolate from my favorite student, had coffee with the mother of my special ed student & found out she loved English as a kid, & had 5 girls trying to fix my hair at the same time. Delightful, really.

"It's funny how you find you enjoy your life when you're happy to be alive."
