Writing introductions is a bit tedious so....just take a look at my first post if you want to know more....

....and if you get curious about the name of this World or my posts, check out the second one.

Dumdum Dummy Dumbstruck

Recently I've lost the ability to say no to my students. Really it's a wonder I held out as long as I have (nearly 3 years) without cracking. (I'm weak against kids...) So, long story short, I have something like 93 requests waiting to be drawn. (Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.) Of course, I like drawing so it's not that bad, and random requests help me get better at drawing lots of different characters and styles, but.....I wanna draw Al!!!

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Yeah...my Hetalia obsession has kinda gone through the roof....good thing 夏コミ is in just over a month.

Anyway, I was kinda freaking about the 93 requests a few weeks ago, but then I realized that nearly all of the ones with pre-summer break deadlines were finished. Finally starting to see the light at the end of that metaphorical tunnel. Just two more to go and then....Alfred, you are going to be drawn so amazingly hot....

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I might do him together with Arthur if I'm feeling ambitious. (Oh, who am I kidding? I'm always ambitious.) I love Artie when he's being all "tsuntsun"...I guess he's my "similar personality" character in this series, but for some reason I'm not dying to draw him. That's a first. Well, second. I've never felt confident that I could draw Asuka well, and never really been too anxious to try, but it's a first for guy characters.

The girls from my old school's art club said they're gonnna try and put out their magazine one more time before break so it's the perfect time for me to draw something really awesome. (I kinda raised the bar over my own head when I was in their May issue...) I'm sure they would appreciate a little Hetalia. Maybe I can even manage a few other characters in chibi form or something...hmmm....

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Strangely, I've also developed a fondness for these two this week. Gilbert the insane, and Elizaveta - badass fujoshi living in her own BL manga (really? how could her life get any better?)

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I think that pretty much says it all.
