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News - Haru?

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Looks like KH news will be dying down and replaced by Avatar new. Enjoy!
Pictured above is Isaac Solstein, who's been casted in the movie as an 'Earth Bending Boy'.
Not that big of news though right? Possibly wrong!
According his his father, Isaac's character should be apparent to fans of the cartoon.
Logical guess? Haru.
Thoughts? Nice to see some more Asian actors, nice to know the kid has previous acting under his belt (even if this is his first movie), is currently a blackbelt and going for his second degree soon. Downside... his age. Haru was most defiantly one of the older characters. And Katara's first love interest, even though she never seemed to notice. Oh well, I suppose his age (and funky mustache later on) isn't that big of a deal with the over all plot.
Oh Avatar! Looking forward to you.

Loss of Series Rant

So...yeah. Why have all my favorite series just come to an end? First there was Harry Potter, my biggest fandom of all time; then InuYasha ended, my first manga ever; and then Avatar ended, and I cried like a baby; and now the Twilight Saga is over!

How will I waste my time now? Sure, I'm into other things, but all of those were pretty major for me. Like, Harry Potter was my life and Twilight's a good read the first time around (not so much the second) but definitely was something to look forward to every summer. Ugh, I guess I'll just be stuck with movies for the next couple of years until I find another series to imerse myself in.

I'd have to kill myself if Kingdom Hearts looked like it was gonna end anytime soon... Seriously, how much 'death' can one fangirl take in a year?

On a funnier note...

Creepy Katara Strikes Again!

Sozin's Comet Rant

I don't want to spoil it for anybody, but I cried. I literally sat on the couch clutching my face convulsing. As in hyperventilating. I'm taking this worse then when Harry Potter ended...
