Halloween Rant prt 2

So, I ignored most of your advice and went for heartless. I finished my antenna on Saturday and tomorrow I'm going shopping for clothing. I need like 85 more belts to really pull off any KH look (bad dum chic). I'm going to get a black shirt, headband, a poofy black skirt and black leggings...maybe some gloves if I can find 'em cheap. I've also got those really creepy long nails that hairdressers like to wear, and I'm going to paint those black. Making yellow goggles this weekend for the whole 'OMFG HUGE YELLOW EYEBALL' effect most heartless have. Aaaand last but not least gonna have a bunch of black makeup on mah face to complete my heartless look. Also need some of that spray hair stuff to make it black.

At the end of the day...kinda sorta hoping to achieve a look like...

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This. By the by, go check out the fanfic this piece of concept art is for. Ikurx is what they think Kingdom Hearts 3 will be like, and overall pretty kickbutt.
