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Never Fear! For This Waffle is Here to

Soothe the Wounded Soul.

| Kingdom Hearts Recap Master Post |
| Adventures of Action!Axel |

More Writing Stuff

I'm decided last Monday that I wanted to write something for 8/13 (aka Akuroku day). I... I so didn't make the deadline but I've been plowing through. So far I'm up to about 11,000 words (~22 pages with not a lot of dialogue), which is the fasted I've ever written ANYTHING in my entire life time and... Axel hasn't even come in yet. I KNOW! Here's some goals I have for this fic:

  • Actually have Roxas sound like a boy
  • Actually writing Roxas as a 15 year old (to me there's a HUGE difference from being 15/16/17)
  • Explore one of my favorite bits of KH magic, aka the fact that Roxas' power is light and Axel's is fire
  • Not jumping in with Axel too quickly
  • Following along my basic Roxas story flow which mirrors the first 6 days in T.T.
  • Attempt to make a realistic parallel KH world.
  • Fantasy elements, which I've never done before

So far I think I've accomplished most of that. Specially with the Axel bit (WHY HASN'T HE BEEN INTRODUCED YET? IF IT TAKES 12K WORDS TO GET TO AXEL... HOW LONG WILL THIS NIGHTMARE LAST?!) My goal was to be upwards of 20k words... but I'm probably looking at 30k-ish now. Which means if I keep up at this pace I'll be done by next week. Right now the story is taking a bit of an unexpected turn, somewhat spurred on by a conversation I had with my little sister while playing through the 4th day.

Chances are... I will post this up if you guys show a hint of interest. For those of you who maybe tempted to throw a hint out at me... remember that first bit when I said it was originally being written for 8/13 there'll eventually be some man-loving (though I can almost guarantee no sex because 1. Roxas is 15 and 2. I don't like writing sex scenes). So... hint if you're interested.

Writing Adventure!

So... I was thinking of putting together a Choose Your Own Adventure/Round Robin. Aka, somebody would start off a story, and there'd be two options. One person would write for one outcome, and somebody would write for the other. On and on this would go until TA DA it's done! There'd have to be some general agreement of where the story was going, and hwo we were gonna write it and so on and so forth but I think over al it could be UBER FUN. The best part is, if we start out with Kingdom Hearts it's really easy to travel to different worlds, aka different fandoms. Just something to think about.

If you think this sounds cool or you want to take part in it, please comment me and pass the message around. I'll do some more pimping of this tomorrow when I'm more awake.

Red Queen's Game Rant

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I love when I'm psyched for something I'm writing. Just some of the clothing Roxas wears in my new fic 'Red Queen's Game'. Yeah, I did the dolling myself, and I will never attempt Square-enix hair again! 1- Chapter 1, Roxas returns home from Agrabah. 2- Chapter 2, Roxas realizes that he's out grown some of his clothes... 3- Patroling time (attempted hint at Org XIII coat/hoodie).

SOMETHINGUPWITHTHEIRDADWHOMAYORMAYNOTBEDEAD and overall I just love it! Oh plot -pets it- so long since I wrote anything with plot -shakes fist at 'Worth It'- can read the draft of chapter one over at Love Potion XIII, and the bases belongs to LINKAGE.

How to Create Fanfiction the Waffuru Way

How to Create Fanfiction the Waffuru Way
A step by step guide to how too can create cracktastic fanfictions.

  • Watch reruns of favorite TV show from 8th grade
  • Relate characters to your current fandom
  • Spawn crazy ideas for plot
  • Reverse your sleep habits so you can be awake at 3 AM
  • Compose play list featuring: Panic at the Disco, David Bowie, Fall out Boy, Rooney, Fountains of Wayne and others.
  • Type
  • Reread what you've typed and actually enjoy it for once in your lifetime
  • Repeat as needed

I really hate my brain sometimes...

Halloween Rant prt 2

So, I ignored most of your advice and went for heartless. I finished my antenna on Saturday and tomorrow I'm going shopping for clothing. I need like 85 more belts to really pull off any KH look (bad dum chic). I'm going to get a black shirt, headband, a poofy black skirt and black leggings...maybe some gloves if I can find 'em cheap. I've also got those really creepy long nails that hairdressers like to wear, and I'm going to paint those black. Making yellow goggles this weekend for the whole 'OMFG HUGE YELLOW EYEBALL' effect most heartless have. Aaaand last but not least gonna have a bunch of black makeup on mah face to complete my heartless look. Also need some of that spray hair stuff to make it black.

At the end of the day...kinda sorta hoping to achieve a look like...

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This. By the by, go check out the fanfic this piece of concept art is for. Ikurx is what they think Kingdom Hearts 3 will be like, and overall pretty kickbutt.