Welcome to the Anime Walk of Fame, a series of retrospectives on the many characters of the anime world. You'll see all your favorites along with a few that deserve more than their reputations give.
So sit back relax and enjoy the show.
- Created By Dranzerstorm
Darkness Would Never Survive in a Different World
I guess I'm doing the main four of Konosuba then.
Darkness is a high level knight in the world of Konosuba but for all her high stats her battle abilities are terrible.
But being a masochist, she takes pleasure from being beaten to the inch of her life, half the reason she joins Kazuma is his brutally honest way of speaking triggers her in a good way.
So having a tank is useful but in any other universe, she'd be dead by the end of the first dungeon.
Yes, I know, parody is part of it and at the very least she's more useful than Megumin and still hilarious to watch but I'm guessing no serious adventure groups want a death on their record which is why Darkness was never picked, bad for business and all that.
Megumin is Just a Discount Lina Inverse
This is a hot take that needs to be said really.
Megumin is a high ranking mage from the world of Konosuba, she has the power to level entire towns with a massive explosion, she has a complex about her body type and has an appearance that looks more like she's make believing she's a mage as she shares a basic design build of Chunnibyou characters right down to the eyepatch.
In reality she's a poor imitation of Lina Inverse, anime's most powerful mage and easily top ten most powerful anime characters of all time.
The effort it takes for Megumin to summon one explosion, Lina can casually cast Dragon Slave, an attack with the same destructive capabilities but way more powerful, just to rub it in, she can cast Explosion Array with no effort, a low level explosion attack for casually taking out bandits.
I get that the joke of Konosuba is that Megumin's powers are impractical for any fantasy party but her popularity is undeserved considering that older anime characters trump her in everything.
Still not convinced?
Lina Inverse's Giga Slave can wipe out the entire world if she fails to cast it properly, when she succeeds, all final bosses are instantly killed, the only side effect is being drained of Magical power.
Hikaru is an Otaku Done Right
It may surprise you that the concept of Otaku is not as well respected in Japan as you might think, especially in the 90s.
Hikaru is an aestavalis pilot recruited alongside Ryoko and Izumi onboard the Nadesico, she's an avid otaku of in-series anime Gekiganger, more so than Akito and Gai, doing everything from shipping characters, drawing doujinshi and building dioramas and models. She's portrayed as an extrovert which fits in well with the straight talking Ryoko and the more sarcastic dry whitted Izumi.
But like everyone on board the Nadesico, it's not so clear cut as she has a deeper back story, while spending time building models with Seiya the resident head engineer, she turns him down when the subject of relationships is brought up, an unresolved history between her and her ex-boyfriend being the cause, it's never made clear what those issues are but the lack of romantic interest in anyone implies that she was hurt emotionally and hasn't gotten over it.
It was often too easy to say that all Otaku are society's rejects back in the day, Japan is no different to the west in that regard, but Hikaru is portrayed in a way that makes her likeable and sympathetic.
Moonbay Transporter of the Wasteland
To jump start this feature for a bit, we'll be looking at underrated characters either a side character that doesn't get much attention or from any series that's slept on starting with Moonbay.
Moonbay is a transporter, a lifestyle she's happy with singing while travelling the wasteland in her Gustav, a heavily armoured Zoid strictly made for transporting large cargo and larger Zoids making her a trucker by trade.
She would later get involved with Van's mission to bring peace to the world as team mechanic and transporter, it also helps that she already knows Irvine but always had one eye aimed at returning to her trucking after peace was made but found herself reuniting with Van and Co after the time skip where she would later be the pilot of the Ultrasaur, one of the most powerful Zoids ever constructed to stop the return of Deathsaur.
This is a great example of how best to utilize supporting characters and giving them their own motivations, Moonbay is always an upbeat happy character living her best life, a point she makes when reuniting with a rich former lover, turning down a marriage proposal because she's married to her job and because said lover has what she dubs horrible taste in music.
That's Moonbay, a free spirit who is living her best life, she's respected by all who know her and is an important character who proves pivotal to ending the conflict, Western media can learn alot from this woman.
How Old is Misty Supposed to be?
The question of age plagues anime characters in all aspects and Pokemon is a curious case with Ash being eternally ten years old but how old are his companions, more specifically Misty.
In most cases, Misty is simply the same age as Ash and most information sites agree with that theory.
But the Electric Tale of Pikachu makes the tomboy mermaid 13 years old which is much more accurate.
But I'm willing to bet that Misty is actually 12 years old and I have a few things to back that up.
First is her body type, I'd hardly call it childish but wouldn't call it teen either.
Second is her maturity, yes you can have a mature ten year old but Misty does drop subtle hints that she knows about certain adult things, think back to the episode Holy Matrimony and Jessebelle's dungeon with the so called "weird gym equipment", blink and you'll miss it, Misty blushes witnessing what Jessebelle is trying to do to James.
It's obvious that Misty knows what's going on even if the dub hides it, she has three older sisters with Daisy being a legal adult, one of them has done the dirty.
The third one is how close she has been with Tracy who is an obvious teenager with an implied romantic link.
Finally Misty's video game counterpart would suggest that my age estimate is pretty spot on as well especially in Masters Ex where she is noticeably older than player protagonist Leaf.
No matter how much you say it, Misty looks too old for ten years old, I can believe May, Serena and Dawn are ten, but not Misty.