Art by King-Sama

You'd kill yourself for recognition,
kill yourself to never, ever stop
you broke another mirror,
you're turning into something you are not


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(Manga Bullet)

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New haircut...Which Lucy and I LOVE this time

Yes we love it

yes here it is
the new hair cut
I got it cut shorter and got straight across bangs
I love it

ITS MAY!!!!!

"April Showers Bring May Flowers" ~ Anonymous

Hey guys *waves* Whats up? I am good
we had art class this morning, I didnt get to make the doll I wanted, let me tell you

We arrived and I started to unwrap the clay that I was going to use for the doll, right? K
then the teacher said "Well that is a pretty hard project, how about we do this kitty or doggy instead?"
So I went with it, thinking I made a kitty
I still have to bake it then paint its face on lol
but as we were leaving my mom and I realized that she is the same teacher who had taught watercolor at the JoAnn Fabrics and we didnt like her
and so we may/arent going back again
but I did just order the book that had the doll in it from Amazon so I can make it here at home YAY
and I now have tons of clay to make stuff with WOOT

right now I am working on finishing a bag for my friends birthday
I am crocheting in, its awesome already
I will take a pic when I am done
and maybe take commissions for them

anyways on to what I wanted to say

Would you please join Moonlit Dream and I in OC month
May is now a OC Month
where all you draw all month is OC's
except for prizes and whatnot
other than that
all you draw is OC's

I cant think right now

gah...I am tired
well today went a lot better than I had thought lol

first we had bowling
I didnt do well
didnt do too well
last game I managed to get a score of 141 YAY lol
the we went and got my hair cut
I liked it before, but this is just awesome sauce!
I will take pictures tomorrow LOL
I love it
I also picked up a bunch of manga to read when we went to the library
here is the list:

Tokyo MewMew 2-5
Chibi Vampire 1
Dream Gold:Knights in the Dark City 1
Kingdom Hearts II 1-2
Bleach 1-2
Saiyuki 1
Chrono Crusade 1

I have tons to read now LOL
I cant wait to read all this new manga

OH and tomorrow I am going to make a plushie
he will be adorable
its for a friend whose OC I am making a plushie of
I will take pics lol

this image is too cute

Tired...No...Exhausted....and....Overwhelmed with EVERYTHING

GAHHHHH *pulls out hair* no not really
but seriously, I am just so overwhelemed with all I have to finish before we leave for our vacation on the 9th
I have to finish my last NYAF entry tonight
I have to finish my DA and Wacom contest entry before we leave
I am trying to finish a crocheted bag for my best friend for her birthday
I have tons of requests and stuff I wanna finish
and on top of it all...yes there is more
I have like 3 bowling tournaments before we leave
and I am waiting in such annticipation for all the contest results that....GAH!!!!
Its just waaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy to much
I cant wait for vacation
sorry if I made you depressed by the end of that one *sigh*

in the good news catigory
I got my Plushy book today from Amazon
YAY!!! so expect to see lots more plushies soon

I am tired of the weight I am at now, I want to lose weight...but its just so HARD!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!

Ok...I feel slightly better now that i got that out
thank you for reading
I love you guys (not like..yeah...) O.o

Goodluck Has Finally Come Back To Me

yes it has, we are all(my family and I) all have mostly goodluck again WOOT
ok, so to start of my day
we went to a art class over at the Hobby Lobby and that was really cool, I like the teacher. Next week we are doing clay art with Sculpey clay, so I can back it and it will last for (almost)forever
I'll take a pic of what I make with it next week

then earlier this afternoon we went and looked at a Kitten for my brother
since we had to put his cat to sleep because of his kidney disease
R.I.P Thomas
and we are gonna get him! he is a orange tabby kitten
I will take pictures when we get him
which will be about mid may time, cause we are going on vacation in a week and a half and dont want to leave a new kitten home with all our other cats, that would be bad

then just now I ordered my very first plushie how to book YAY
its the Cute Dolls by Aranzi Aronzo
I cant wait for it to get here
wait for more little plushies to start popping up XD

so how was your day?
I feel awesome lol