Hurr I hope that this entry doesn't seem like arrogant or something ^^'
The quote is simple, and maybe it's too much like the actual theme of the challenge, instead of defining what it is about me that makes me stand out but I think it suits the image, and it suits me.
Everywhere I go, all my life, I've always stood out for one reason or another. A lot of the times, it's my unique fashion sense, which is why I chose the image that I did. But other times, it's my wild, crazy and spunky personality. When I'm in public, I don't behave any different than I do at home. I dance, I act weird, and crazy. I dance, I sing, I run around, I do whatever I want whenever I'm out and that ends up attracting a lot of attention. (Of course, I am not rude or anything, and I do have moments where I'm calm and I DO know how to settle down too o3o) I'm just me with everything I do and wear, but I'm often told I'm a very unique individual and I have the ability to stand out in a crowd for more than one reason.
Er....I hope this entry is ok >__>