Sorry for burning your eyes!! Jpeg totally killed the quality :0 Please view a MUCH better version here
Here is my 2nd entry to Angel Zakuro's yum challenge. I wanted to say Thank You so much to Amanda, Anna, Fikret, and Kelsey for telling me your opinions and for the advice :) It is much appreciated. Sadly when I changed it to the darker red and then flattened and saved as a jpeg it turned out like this. I wanted to submit it though... so I saved it as a png and it came out the way I had wanted it to. Then I made a photobucket account incase something like this happens again and I can just load it there, plus I have been meaning to make one anyway.
So what I did was change the color curves of the image and then added three gradients and I used a bokeh texture. I added that smoke brush just to make the food look more appetizing maybe? XD I changed the share to red as suggested by both Amanda and Anna. Sorry this has to look so bad here, darn that jpegs are only allowed.