"For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, Forever and Ever. Amen."
-Matthew 6:13
For Ritona Raito's "Religious Context" Challenge
KK. Back to business: The challenge stated that you could "use a quotation relating to religion" so here I did. I used one of my favorites:
"For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, Forever and Ever." -Matthew 6:13
I read it in the bible when I went to a Catholic school when I was younger and for some reason (still unknown to me) it sparked my interest. Back then, I was so obsessed with "cool and unknown" words like 'majestic' and 'glory' (lol. fail.)
I believe that this text relates to the anime Star Rock Shooter alot. In the anime, the main character goes to anouther universe to fight her best friend to get her back. I found it was cool how a little girl could become so strong just for the sake of her friend. Once you set your mind to save someone whom you cherish you'll come out victorious, because friendship and love can make someone so much more stronger. Although it may seem like it has nothing to do with the quote, in some ways, it does (for me. lol.).
Made on Adobe Photoshop CS5.
Original Image: ♥
(I got permisson from "hironox" to use her art. Check out her work, it's good!
Proof of Consent: ♥)
P.S. OMG I WAS PANICING AT 9:00 PM YESTERDAY 'CAUSE I ONLY HAD 3 HOURS TO START AND FINISH THIS CARD! *turns of caps* And my dad disconnected my internet, so when I was done (at 11:45 PM) I had to use the computer downstairs to submit the card! I'm so relieved I finished in time!
Dedicated to Ritona Raito – For having such a brilliant idea for a challenge!