reirei18 (Fan Art Portfolio) Sweet Approach

Sweet Approach
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my favorite pair from my manga.. *^^* of course coz they carry my name.. =P

this is my entry for jamo's ocs contest.. i actually sketched this for my manga but i couldnt stop shading.. *obssessed* XD

i used a different pencil for their uniform.. it was a bad decision... =,=" the quality of that no name pencil is just errr... i had to fix it in photoshop which doesnt look anything like fixed to me.. TT^TT and so i regret shading this except for the hair.. i love shading hair.. <3 the hands need more practice.. i hate doing hands.. >x<"

*the girl is signing it for me* heheh.. *^^* the book is where their story is written.. yeh.. it's almost as thick as that and still editing.. i just realized i stopped drawing this manga before i finished doing page 18.. ugh.. the special 18.. i''ll get back on this some other time.. XD

it's a bit of a spoiler but no one cares.. lol.... hope u guys like it anyway..

characters :: rei and rei from my manga The Link

PS.. thank u so much for the 6500+ hugs.. omg.. u guys are the best.. <3 *hugs* >:D<


changed the guy's eye color.. it was blue but his eyes are originally gray.. lol.. i often make that mistake.. *shame on me* XD

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
manga, oc, rei, reirei18, the link
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OC's please!
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