drew this while thinking about a conversation i had with reirei18
--> went something like "imagine someone took the pic and just edited serenity's head?"
my reaction O_o
*thats crazy*
anyways - hope some people can respect other people's work
and for me i aint that picky - u can use my pics however u want - wallie, crop it, link it etc - dont even really need to ask if its just that - just credit me ^_^ <-- and dont make money out of it coz i sure dont
but changing just part of an artwork like the eyes, or just the hair and not even starting from scratch like using a reference, coz some part of itisnt that great? =_= makes me kinda......
well anyways -this is for reirei - lol - kinda remins me of ur pic of serenity ^^'
anyway -no watermarks this time coz im at my sis's place and she doesnt have a program that can text over a pic >.<