sanatonya (Fan Art Portfolio) God Heard Me

God Heard Me
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Miracles DO happen. God DOES hear our prayers. God DOES give us gifts.
On May 16, 2010, I stopped asking God for my miracle. That day, that same moment, I received His gift. I am selfish and greedy; I prayed every day for over a year for a moment to say good bye–to tell him I loved him, and I wanted him to be happy and know that someone cared. I asked for only a moment–and He's given me so much more. While my wish was greedy, I am still thankful God heard me out and let it come true.

This was my fairytale. This is not a lie. God has given me something I wanted, and now I will fight to keep it as long as I can.

No background or anything. There was nothing but him, and there is nothing but him. Oh, and if anyone gives me the whole, "You're just kids/you don't love him/it's just hormones," deal, I KNOW, OKAY??? I don't expect this to last forever–heck, I don't think it will last the summer–but I do know that this is what I asked God for, and this is what he gave me. I never asked for this much, so I have no right to ask for this to last.

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
anime, boy, couple, girl, sana, sanatonya
58 votes thumb
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