I've actually been wanting to redo this for a long time. This little comic is the most popular thing in my gallery despite looking like complete crap.^^'
I loved the original to the scraps in hopes to encourage people to look at this one. I didn't want to delete or replace the old one because I want to show my progress.
Completing this one page comic took 2 days...uh...so that pretty much means it took me a lot longer to draw and color this version than the last so I hope everyone likes it.
I honestly don't feel this way about ikarishipping anymore. Dawn doesn't hate Paul...he still ignores her.(Which I think is due to his lack of people skills...yeah, Paul is another character I think too hard about, just like Ken) Though when Dawn pushed Paul to talk in DP186 he actually told her something, in my opinion that was pretty personal....strange.
Saying that I just couldn't add in the 'i still hate you' at the end.^^'
I plan to draw another little comic that will show how I feel about the pairing.'X3 I don't feel like coloring for a while so it won't be done for a while.