krokun (Fan Art Portfolio) Blake Jalif

Blake Jalif
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Hello people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Long time not posting non-gijinka things! XDDDDD hahahahahaha

So I want to introduce you my new Oc! haha I love him so much!

Name: Blake Jalif

Eye color: Light green

Skin tone: Tanned

Hair color: Brown

Hiarstyle: .... use the pic as reference *is shot*

Profession: Hitman

Personality: Blake tends to be antisocial and cold with people, he is really protective with women and children, when someone is talking to him he tends to stare at the person without telling a word unless is needed, he dont like to involve too much with the person that hires him... he really loves cats, and has some kind of obssesion with the moon...

Likes: eating curry, animals (specially cats), hip-hop, weapons (any kind), being alone, silence, watching the moon, sparring, walking in the night, nature in general.

Dislikes: militars (we used to be one), Animal abuse, really sunny days, killing women or children (he doesnt do that kind of job), low quality weapons, big cities, talkative people, Noisy places.

Habilities: boxing, catch wrestling, martial arts, modern army combatives... (any kind of close range combats). And specializes in any kind of weapons. He normally attacks at night and doesnt like to play with his pray.

Background: For now, Ill say that his father was Arabian and her mother italian... he has a little sister that he hasnt seen since a terrible incident took place in his natal city Milan.

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
arabian, blake, green eyes, hitman, jalif, tan
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