rosel D (Fan Art Portfolio) Lady Of the Lake

Lady Of the Lake
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for ReiKiba's Challenge Myth/Fairy Tale:
I choose the Lady of The Lake from the Arthurian Legends
The Lady of the Lake was the foster-mother of Sir Lancelot and raised him beneath the murky waters of her Lake. She is, however, best known for her presentation to King Arthur of his magical sword Excalibur, through the intervention of the King's druidic advisor, Merlin (Myrddin) who was constantly worried that his monarch would fall in battle.
A number of locations in Great Britain are traditionally associated with the Lady of the Lake's abode. They include Dozmary Pool, Llyn Llydaw, Llyn Ogwen, The Loe, Pomparles Bridge, Loch Arthur, and Aleines. In France, she is associated with the forest of Brocéliande.

I was inspired to draw what she might have looked like underwater by this picture, showing only her hand...THIS PIC (I think she's cool, isn't she?). So, I drew her with a sword (Excalibur) and with a fish tail(she's not a mermaid, it's just her form underwater)

I was supposed to make a 3D version of it but I got sick(bad weather changes...) and I can't go to my friends house where I make it.
hope you like it anyway...

Category Fan Art
arthurian legends, excalibur, fairy, lady of the lake, lake, mermaid, supernatural, vivienne
58 votes thumb
51 members Favoritefavorite
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Member Dedication
Myth/Fairy Tale
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