I finished it <3
[okay so I had this really trippy dream, right? My "family" and I were going to war against the mermaids in our back yard (It was like a lagoon or something). But I met one of them, and she was so beautiful! She had billowing black hair and WHISKERS. I swear she had whiskers. Anyway, she couldn't speak English, so she took out this gorgeous ancient looking book covered in coral and seaweed and pointed to all these different languages, desperate to tell me her name, but I just couldn't read them...So I'll never know her name. And then the dream pretty much ended and I woke up like, "Whoaaa.">
Moral of the story: Don't eat spicy Indian food before bed if you want to have normal dreams. xD
So like...sorry I BS'd the coral and all. I just couldn't handle it xD
A mermaid sitting in the middle of the ocean works too. c: haha
Enjoy~!! Thank you all so much. <33333333333
Dedicated to 'm buddy Mistress Amoranta~ :D Hope you like it!