It's a picture! Yeah. xD;
The girl is my character Gliding Eagle. The red haired guy to the right of her is my character Kor. Kor's speaking in a language I made up for him. What he's saying means "what is going on?", which is where the title came from. Too many colors for Kor's comprehension...
I'm pretty satisfied with how Eagle's color scheme came out. My favorite part is her hair. ;3; I was excited to color strawberry blonde hair, for some reason... I think it came out nice. xD
I used markers again because colored pencils take so long. DX But since I've been using markers a lot this summer, I think I've been able to REFINE SOME TECHNIQUES. Sort of. But yeah, I thought I'd try something different with the coloring. I was going to "cell shade" the picture, but I decided against that and put in some blending. I actually like how it turned out. :O For the most part. :>
Although, the scan was pretty bad. I tried to make it look more like the real picture by editing it on picnik. That didn't really work...
So yeah, thanks for viewing! :)
Edit: Okay, so I re-scanned it. It's a lot duller, but this is more accurate to how it looks in real life. :>