I have a break this week, so I decided to do something for myself and try some digital painting. The style was inspired by Lily art. One of the styles I'm trying to master. I'm actually really pleased with how it came out, especially since I was always to chicken to really paint digitally with out an outline. ;;;orz Hence the reason I only did a head shot. lol
This guy is one of my PGR ocs Luca. He's a Lucario (such an original name for a Lucario, I know.) I drew him without his mask just because he doesn't like to show his full face. *likes messing with her chars* Teehee~ Still teasing though, since one eye is covered. x3
Hope you guys like!
Time: About two days
Tools: Intuos 4 Tablet, Paint tool Sai
**I should really stop staring at computer and phone screens for so long. Eyes are burning like hell. orz