MangaKid (Fan Art Portfolio) The New Guy

The New Guy
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Here's a little sketch of Yoshirou, my shoujo one-shot OC!! Yes i totally gave him a make-over after dreaming up a new design.

Thankyou SO MUCH to Toya who helped me immensely as I designed Yoshi. She really kept me on track and gave me lots of feedback which allowed me to finally get the right design I needed :) Thanks Toya!! ^_^

Check out the stages of Yoshi-kun!!
The beginning (random doodles that just happened xD)
Experimenting? (totally changed the characters around and it didn't work out)
Sketch (Yoshi didn't turn out how I wanted him to, I was stuck in a cool/strong-silent shoujo guy cliche)
Finally! (After putting his design aside for a bit, I ended up dreaming of a random guy while asleep. I decided to draw the guy in the morning to make him a new OC but he turned out too much like Yoshi so I merged the two designs together!)

Also want to give Ramen a shout out... Thanks again for your drawing of Yoshi and Ayako!! I love it just as much, even though Yoshi is changed up now... Sorry for changing him on you >3<

Sometime soon I'll get some of my recent doodles of Ayako posted!
Thankyou for all your feedback and support!!! <3

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
character, guy, MangaKid, OC, original character, shoujo, sketch, yoshi, yoshirou
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Member Dedication
toyotami kun
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