aragorn1014 (Fan Art Portfolio) Memories

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Hello everyone!! Surprise with a new submission ^^ And High Resolution please!

It's been a really long time since I've submitted here, but the main reason was that I wanted my 100th picture to be something memorable and something I really put my heart into. Although this pic isn't in full color, it's special to me because it's something that I drew for me and no one else...something I haven't done in a while. So with that in mind, I decided I wanted to submit this, because the idea behind it was being happy looking back on fond memories, and that's exactly what the people I've met online here and on DA have given me. ^^ I thought about submitting it for the 100 themes challenge, but I decided not to because I wanted it to have its own meaning by itself without any other attachments aside from the one I wanted it to have. I had many good thoughts in mind when I drew this and I hope it's conveyed here haha. I really put my heart into this, even though it's only a pencil drawing.

As a side note, this is a random character of mine who happened to fit my mood haha. I felt very happy/wintry when I drew this, hence the design and outfit/theme. ^^

So I really wanted to say thank you so much to all of you for helping me become the artist I am today. I never thought I'd reach 100 drawings when I came to this site almost 6 years ago haha. It was absolutely unbelievable to me how people got to know each other so well on this site, yet here I am with such wonderful friends and people who surround me with their wonderful thoughts.

I wanted to dedicate this to a really good friend of mine, SaxGirl/Marise, who's stuck by me for a good chunk of these years haha. I'm still in shock that I have nothing in my gallery dedicated to her because she's such a kind, caring person who really goes out of her way to be thoughtful in every comment and post that she puts out on this site and others. And yes, I know I drew a sketch for you a few months back, but you embody everything wonderful about this site in the kindest ways and I just wanted to say thank you so so much for everything. <3

I have many many good friends I wish to dedicate work to in the future, so I won't stop until I've covered them all if possible! haha I really have met so many wonderful people here and I don't want to leave a single one of them unnoticed. >.<

So thank you so so much everyone for being there for me! Even if you've only voted/faved my work without saying a word, I was able to connect with you in some way, and for that I am really really grateful. I hope all of you are doing well and I hope to make many more fond memories with you all in the future!

Done completely in pencil
Colors edited in Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.0

Picture and OC(c)Me(aragorn1014)

I wish you all the best in the days to come! ^^ Take care and thank you!

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
aragorn1014, friends, happiness, memories, music, notes, SaxGirl, sketch, stars, thank you, theOtaku, winter
44 votes thumb
32 members Favoritefavorite
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Member Dedication
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