moonlit dream (Fan Art Portfolio) Sketchbook Cover

Sketchbook Cover
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Aaaaand here's the project I was talking about in this picture. :D

For art class, we had to decorate our sketchbook cover that said something about our art style and who we are. So uh... yeah. Explanation time!

Girl on the left: She's not really a character of mine, so much as a model/mannequin of mine. I have written down that her name is "Le Facione", which I suppose is pseudo-French for "The Fashion". (Haha... xD;) I drew (or doodled, rather) her a lot in 10th grade when I felt like drawing cute outfits in a non-detailed way. She's supposed to represent my interest in fashion and fashion design... xD;
You'll usually see her on Loyal's tee-shirts rather than in her own pictures.
She usually has a bow in her hair, but i couldn't put it in because I wanted to use a real bow... and our sketchbooks couldn't be 3-D/unstackable... ;A;

Dare: I'm pretty sure most of you know Dare, the boy with the black hair in the middle. I put him in because he was most likely the first character I put a lot of thought into. So he's supposed to represent how I like making/drawing my characters... yeah. Or something. xD;;;

Japanese Speech Bubble: I'm taking Japanese, so I included some Japanese. :m It reads as "osu", which is a way of saying "yo" in Japanese. xD

Comic Strip: Yes indeed, that is the most recent strip of OFAV. (You can read it here.) I included a comic strip to show how I like writing comics, and tend to draw in a more cartoon-style than realistic. :D;

Bass Guitar: I'm learning bass! ...yeah, that's all.

Music Notes: It's actually from an old violin piece I had. (It wasn't an original, don't worry. xD It was only a xerox copy.) So the music stuff is supposed to show that I like music, and that I'm learning a classical instrument.

YEAH! That's pretty much it. :D Um... I don't know what to say about the actual drawings, because I've already uploaded the comic strip and Dare picture. xD
Oh yeah, there's tape over top of this. Which should explain the wrinkle-y appearance... >3>

Thanks for viewing! ;3;

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
bass guitar, boy, comic, dare, gabe, girl, music, OFAV, polka dots, ribbon, sketchbook, stefan
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