moonlit dream (Fan Art Portfolio) Mono

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Full of spite, full of cynicism, and full of a load of nothing. He's hanging on so desperately to his wholesome moralities, those pure beliefs that make a prude so hated and looked down on. But it's okay, he delivers equal hate and condemnation because they deserve it. He knows that the entirety of the population is filled with little fools who think they know genius and intelligence, but in reality they're the ignorant. He's the purest pure of them all. He knows their ways and how wrong they are. And he is right. But the knowledge, the realization of correctness proves to prove nothing.
And he's steaming at the mouth because his words are boiling inside of him. They want to push out and cloud up the world, but if he allows such an action, he'll look like one of the condemned.

a combining form meaning “alone,” “single,” “one”.

I had a lot of free time in art class yesterday, so I drew a picture of Stefan. This is indeed Stefan. I know he looks kind of different without his sunglasses... xD;

I've been on a watercolor craze, haven't I? >3>;;; Watercoloring is really quick because I don't have to do a line art, so I like it. 8D /lazy The only problem is that it wrinkles the paper and sometimes tears it. ;u; WHY, WATER...

The syntax of the "monologue" is kind of inconsistent, but I came up with it on the fly. xD; So I know it's not ~*~LITERARY GENIUS~*~. It also doesn't make much sense, but whatever. IT MAKES SENSE TO MEEEEE... It's not to be taken literally, by the way. Stefan's not the "purest pure", but he thinks he is.

Okay, yeah. Happy Saturday! :D
(OH, I'm almost at 300 pictures...! EXCITING! I need to plan something good to draw.)

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
black, black and white, grey, mono, monologue, ofav, picture, stefan, watercolor, weird, white, words, yep
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