arcticwulf (Fan Art Portfolio) Rough Day

Rough Day
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"Rough day at work Stef?"
"With Tomato, everyday is a rough day.."

HAPPY BIRTHDAY AKIOOOOHHHHH! Although this is late but what's new. I'm always late ;A;

Hi guys. I'm kinda sorta maybe back. Again. ;;;;

Its Stefaaaaaan! (In case you didn't recognize him)
I'm insanely sorry that sofa turned out that ugly, horrid, green colour. I really didn't intend for that to happen but then it just did and wow the sofa man. Its just so frigging green and I-
I don't know but I'm sorry haha
I don't know what Stefan's house would look like? But uhm yes that's apparently my rendition aha

Drawing Stefan was fun. Although I forgot he was THIRTY. You're so old Stefan wow. And its only when I was drawing his hair that I realized he's rocking a middle part. I mean the only other guy I've seen to make it work so well is INFINITE's Sungjong + + + +
Look at that precious creature omg my heart

But okay yeah. I haven't used coloured pencils in an incredibly long time. And I'm sorry if quality isn't all that great, I don't have a scanner now so I have to take photos with my phone and kinda edit them with photoshop :c

Aaaaaand I started an art blog and I think I'll probs end up updating that more often than here with sketches and stuff. If you're interested /shameless advertising

Nonetheless, here's a Stefan for you~ ♥
Enjoy! c:

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
arcticwulf, moonlit dream, oc, stefan
9 votes thumb
9 members Favoritefavorite
DeidaraNarutoClan pilar Zuzu Uchiha HotRamen2Go009 Dragoncia Afterglow animelover7310 moonlit dream
Member Dedication
moonlit dream
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This work is not available for use in other pieces


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