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Well I finally finished this old thing. This drawing is actually a couple of years old now.
I worked on it every now and then, but I was disappointed in it cause I lost the characters in the background and I found the coloring horrid, but I'm okay with now.
I did find a way to pop up the characters by using a white gel pen to do some highlights, but it still kind of dark.
at the time I was doing this drawing I was experimenting with coloring style, using just crayola markers and black pen, and a copic colorless blender.
I was trying to see if I could get a painted effect, I think it some parts it does, but not much.

Originally this was drawn for a contest hosted here on theO and the theme was "twisted fairy tale"

I had picked to go with Beauty and the beast, but instead of having the beast eat beauty or have Beauty kill the beast, I made beauty turn into a beast.

My version was that there was a prince who was smart, handsome, kind and everyone loved him. Many believed that he was going to be a great Ruler, so he had a lot of high expectations.
Once he came of age, the prince's father and mother started to search for a bride for him. A lot of maidens came, but they all repulsed the Prince because they were only interested in his looks and riches, they didn't care about him as a person.
Fed up with it all, the prince asked his fairy godmother to turn him into a beast.
He wanted a maiden to fall in love with him, no matter what he looked like. After the transformation, one by one, no maiden could bring herself to love the beastly prince and slowly the Prince became cold and distant, disappointed that no one could get past his appearance.
He locked himself away, upset that he let down his parents and kingdom and most of all that he turned himself into a beast.

Time went by, and a maiden came around. The beast caught her trespassing in his secret garden. He was intrigued by her, she was a real oddball, she didn't run away after seeing him. They became friends and the Prince slowly began to fall for her.
After a while, the Prince decided to tell her how he felt and was surprised to know that she felt the same, but unfortunately the beast couldn't bring himself to believe her.
He had a proposition for her, if she really loved him, then would she turn into a beast like him?
The maiden accepted the his proposition and she turned into a beast like him. The prince was very delighted and very happy, but it all came to in an end when the maiden slowly began to lose her sanity. She couldn't believe she turned herself into a beast.
She ended up in a coma like state, causing the prince to realize that maybe it was a mistake? Maybe he shouldn't have offered her the option of turning into a beast?

Well there we go, that was my idea for this! XD I think the story is a bit cheesy/corny/ what the heck.
I had a better idea in mind, but I was wrking when I had it and I forgot what it was. XD
welp hope everyone enjoys the drawing and my attempt to twist a fairy tale. XD and yes I know the beast doesn't look so beastly, and I failed. Q u Q

Beauty and the Beast Fan Art
beast, beauty, crayola, marker, old drawing, pen, toyotami, twisted fairy tale
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