innocent heart (Wallpaper Portfolio) Melancholy

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Hello there everyone! *hugs*

@_@ Okay wow I have really worked my tooshie off on this one. I wanted to make something for Rachel and I found this scan around midnight and it is almost two hours later. Lets just say I worked hard on this one^^; I used about three different textures all from the cute site Adorabubble, added some brushes while using a grunge brush over Alice to make her darker, changed the size of the scan, made bigger wallie sizes, added the pink a little in her hair to make it look like the candy stained it, etc. XD Oh! And I blended in the text up at the top. :3

- Resources are on wallpaper if you want to know where I got them^^
- Artist of scan is the amazing Kuramoto Kaya ♥

Dedicated to my dear friend Rachel, mewmewlover55. She had some down days a couple of days ago and knowing her pain, I wanted to make a wallie for her to cheer her up. :D You're awesome Rachel and a very sweet friend^^ I want you to be happy and have a smiley on your face! BE POSITIVE! :D *hugs* I love you bunches! ♥

Take care everyone^^ Thank you for viewing/commenting! Have a sunshiny day!

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Wallpapers
alice, alice in wonderland, beautiful, bunny, colorful, cute, girl, kuramoto kaya, melancholy, textures, wonderland
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