Angel Zakuro (Wallpaper Portfolio) It's days like these...

It's days like these...
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600
1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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Like OMGWTF. I finally finished this. ;__; Took me long enough, right?? I KNOW. GAWD. But it's done finally~~ Hehe!!! And I like it. :) Or at least...I think I like it. XD For now, I like it! Though I don't know how AP will take it...

In case you didn't know, this was all painted by moi. The original scan I used was this one here, and I had to build off of that. Totally repainted her to my style...which is more sketchy. Then I had to come up with the rest of her room, which was really hard. The parts I disliked the most were the window and her bed...oh, and the curtains. *Stabs curtains* I know most of the shading and lighting are probably WRONG, but eh...oh well. I really suck at that. D;

For a More Detailed Description and even HIGHER Resolutions, go to AP

Yup. I actually walled this at 2048x1546...what a huge res. XD My monitor is only 1024x768, lol! But theO doesn't take that high, so if you want it, go to AP. <3333 Thanks for ALL the support with this one. It took about a month to do. Dedicated to Nami cause she threatened me to finish it; she also thinks I paint better than her. HAHA HAHA no.

Someday's Dreamers Wallpapers
bed, girl, kayoko, light, painted, painting, sexy, window
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