Driffter (Wallpaper Portfolio) Go On, Try it

Go On, Try it
1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600

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So it all started out with the PNG that Nan found sometime ago but never used. I myself have passed by it in the Vector/PNG folder Nan and I have many times because I never really knew what I could do with it. . .until now.
"This time" I thought to myself "I know what I want to do with this picture!" So I started coloring it. That only took me about two hours, and in the end I was pretty satisfied with how it had turned out.
At first I was going to put the image in a eCard, but then I thought to myself "Do I really want to put all that blood, sweat, and tears into a dinky eCard?! Never!"
When I first started the wallpaper I had one idea. I knew I wanted to have the words "Go ahead punk. Make my day" written on it, 'cause it seemed to me that's the kind of look Holland had on his face in that picture.
Now, while I was making it I happened to look up and see what was going on in the chat. As it happened there was a very annoying kid on chat who kept biting FuzzButt's hand, and managing to make herself be all around obnoxious. So I decided to show the beta version of my wallpaper to M'Lady, who thought it was good.
Anyway long story short, I somehow finished the wallpaper in a matter of four hours,(not including the time it took to color the PNG) despite getting very distracted on several occasions.
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd, I'm dedicating it to Shin, 'cause I know he loves Holland. =P
I hope you all like the wallpaper, especially you, Shin.

Oh! And I didn't use a single texture! :D

Eureka Seven Wallpapers
annoyed, blood, color, driffter, eureka seven, holland
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