Angel Zakuro (Wallpaper Portfolio) 2010 October: Devious.

2010 October: Devious.
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600
1440x900 | 1280x800

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Oh, you know me. I couldn't ever give up art. ^^;;; Despite how my post sounded...and despite the difficulties I've faced lately involving such things, I couldn't stop! Plus, I saw this challenge and wanted to enter. XD I can't give up walling and making ecards as long as there are requests and challenges to enter lol! Though it still doesn't change that what my "advisor" said hurt.

October. In all honesty, I wasn't going to choose this month. On the surface I thought, wow, I really don't like October. Cause I don't like Halloween. But I had this scan (originally from e-shuushuu), and it was perfect for the month! And then I thought...hey, there are several reasons why October is special to me! 1. I love the change of the weather. It's so much cooler...not burning hot and humid! 2. The changing colors of the leaves. They're soooo gorgeous. and then 3 & 4 deal with sports lol!! Playoff baseball (<333) and hockey season starts back up. :]

Here is the non-calendar version for 1600x1200. I'm too lazy to make a plain one for the widescreen, sorry! ^^; But anyhoo, I took the image...resized it down...added gradients, a couple textures, changed the saturation (made it more), and used some more grungy brushes. ^_^ Made it more October-ish lol! Orange and dark and grungy. >D

Dedicated to Latte since it is her challenge! I hope you like it!

Other Anime and Manga Wallpapers
calendar, dark, girl, halloween, october, orange, skull, texture
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