kisskiss-bangbang (Wallpaper Portfolio) P A N T S

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~dedicated to BanisherOfSouls~
~Challenge entry for the hardest wallpaper I ever made... by josephine12cute

Well I worked aroung a few days straight on this one. Of and on for a few weeks. I think. I'm not sure. I didn't write down when I did what or anything like that. The hardest part must have been trying to make everything flow togeather nicely and so that things aren't fuzzie or what not. The scan that I used was really fuzzie and blurry. I think the artist hadn't quite finished it yet. Or something like that. So I painted around the hair and face eyes blah blah alot to make it look sharper and such.

So as a longer description here.

Snatched this image up from photobucket. If you guys know who drew it or what have you should tell me so I can tell the person I used it. Did a lot of editing around it- simple in theory really. Painted the hair so it looked sharper and had a almost glow to it. Redid some highlightings and shadows around her face. Than I messed around with the hue/contrast to make it purple. Becuase it DID NOT start out that way. I gave her some blue around her eyes so she had some sort of makeup like thing. I than messed aroun with some colours for that cloud effect that you see. I think it was some pink and greens that I used at first, than over layed it with purple tones. I wanted a purple theme going on- which mind you started about halfway through completion. *laughs* It really was a fluke that it turned purple but I liked it and stuck with it.


I pasted underneth the cloudy effects one of my older wallpapers becuase I thought they looked good togeather. Had a nice feel to it. I also wanted a little bit more... stuff in the background. Add some balence and give it less simplicity. Next I layered on some brushes that came preloaded on my version of photoshop. I think I only used two: some sort of tecture brish and sparkles. I love the sparkles. Oh I also used little stars. They looked cute so I added them. The last step I slapped on a quote that I had saved on my computer(sorry no link) and called it purple. I love how it ended up as purple so I thought it was a nice touch to call it that. I think thats pretty much it. It took me longer than it most likely seemed because I spent so long touching up the main image.

I went back and looked at how many layers I used and it was around thirty four (34) diffrent layers. That didn't include the ones that I squished togeather during the making of the wallpaper to make it easer to move them around. Wow I didn't think I used that many. D: Also this one really hard for me- because I really didn't like the image that I used. But I like to think I made it work so that it looks pretty good! YAY FOR ME!! Maybe?? Please??


Heres your really late brirthday present Donny! You better like it because I slaved over this for so long!!!

Crossover Anime and Manga Wallpapers
assasins creed, blue, clouds, colour, cross-over, female, goggles, hat, pink, purple, quote, sparkle
17 votes thumb
10 members Favoritefavorite
rosel D Kaerlyn Quiet Noise Duskyskies greenLeAfe Karisan kikkima josephine12cute BanisherOfSouls
Member Dedication
the hardest wallpaper I ever made...

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