An old image with a new twist... *sigh of relief* Almost a year later and here I finally have it vectored... heehee. Why a year? Laziness, lack of time, looking at Kaname's hair and saying, 'OMG! His hair is going to be a PAIN to vector'... Heehee. I was right. His hair alone has over 8 layers in it. Zero's gun I believe 10 or 11. Either way it was ALL worth it to finish it and get a wallie made of it. I lost count on the total layers it took... heehee.
I want to send a special Thanks out to Kisuke, Karmira, Kira and Ulquibat for there viewing, praise and tips that they gave to make it better.
Vector: Done by yours truly
Brushes: Brusheezy
Font: Kira *believes can be found at Defont*
Original Image: Two Scans
The original image was in two pieces and I pieced it together. I saved a copy of the first part I did when I finished Zero's gun. If you click the link 'Two Scans' you will see what I was working with to get that^.
Well I hope you all like it... Hugs, Faves and Comments Always appreciated...