This is a collab wallpaper I did with my friend SleepingLionHeart. It features Kagamine Len and Rin in kind of a prince/princess setting. My friend SleepingLionHeart was a big help on this wallpaper. She helped me make the fantastic brushes and textures for the background. I did the original overlay of the image over a few textures but it looks so much better with the brushes and extra textures. I really thought she did an amazing job. Without her help,this wallpaper wouldn't have been possible. I absolutely love the Kagamine Twins and I just think they're so wonderful. She likes them as well. My favorite has to be Len though. But anyway I hope you like our wallpaper. This is our entry for the "Let's Work Together!" challenge. I hope everyone likes it. I hope you like it too friend because it's dedicated to you.
Wallpaper by SleepingLionHeart & ThousandShadowsMP(me)
I did the scan extraction. I found the scan on
Textures from:Aethereality,Deviantart,and maybe someo other sites but I can't remember which ones.
Brushes from various sites
Vocaloid (C) Crypton Future Media or whoever
Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio)
I'll Come Back For You!

1024x768 | 800x600
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- Created
- 01/06/11
- Category
- Miku Hatsune Wallpapers
- Tags
- kagamine len, kagamine rin, vocaloid
- Views
- Votes
- 51 votes
- Favorited
- 42 members
- Member Dedication
- winterlionheart
- Feedback
- Challenge
- Let's Work Together!
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