HelloKatty (Wallpaper Portfolio) Brave Knight

Brave Knight
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Asbel Lhant joined the knights training academy after Sophie "died" 7 years ago(He was 11) so he could train and get stronger, so that no one would suffer, so that he could protect everyone he holds dear. Then 7 years later Asbel(age 18) received word from Cheria that his father had died. Because of this Asbel decided to give up becoming a knight so he could take his rightful place as the "Leader of Lhant", to follow in his Father's foot steps.

I have no idea why I put that little bit of info there....I guess so i could flaunt that I learned all that when playing the game by not actually understanding all the Japanese but by body language and the little Japanese I knew. I went to the Tales Wiki to confirm if i was correct and I was! *proud of self* XD

Now this wall is the Asbel version of these three walls: 1 2 3

2 of the textures I used are the same as the textures used in the other 3 walls. The 3rd is a different texture. Its pretty much made the exact same way, only the text is different. lol it doesn't say "beautifully", i didn't rotate it and i used a different font. XD

The text says "Brave Knight" cause Asbel sought to be a Knight.


Original Image: Abbysal Cronicles
Textures: 1 2 I don't have the link to the 3rd texture but it is from deviantArt.
Font: dafont.com

Dedicated to Asbel, my brother! Tales Family! X3


Tales of (Series) Wallpapers
Asbel Lhant, Brave, Knight, Tales of Graces, Tales of Graces f
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