Let's see, how can I describe this wallpaper? I set out with the initial idea of rainbows in the background, but then decided to change it by embedding the colors of the rainbow into the image instead. So, looking, you can find them all quite clearly. R.O.Y.G.B.I.V <--always remembered this. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. I added other colors for my fancy, but instead of putting "red" into the background, I decided to integrate Daisuke for that part, since he is so very Red on his own. I combined a lot of textures for the fluffy feel I wanted, all the clouds and color, and added a few more clouds to my liking. I then drew in some extra stars, and put a few beams, also outlining the darker stars to bring out some color in the piece as well. The Text was fun, I actually had a clear image of what I wanted, and I made it black to starkly contrast the brightness of the piece.
I'm dedicating this to my friend Stars, because I really think she does watch over me. She just saved me once again with a computer issue, and I feel I owe her so much. <333 I don't know how she puts up with my panic attacks when it comes to computer problems, but she manages to keep me cool and guide me through any crazy situation I get in. Also, she loved the stars on this wallpaper, so I couldn't help but think how perfect it was of a fit <3333 Thank you so much for always helping me. You have my eternal gratitude. *huge hugs*
Comments/hugs/faves always appreciated~
Render: Daisuke/Kuusou.net
Textures: Deviantart/deadlydoll, jadedreality, crazytimeswitheditor. Celestial Star.