Angel Zakuro (Wallpaper Portfolio) close-up ready.

close-up ready.
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600
1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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Okies! I finished it!! :) Took me about a month...and I know my vectoring skills are a bit rusty lol, but yeah. XD I hope you like it, Icchan!! I wish I could be like some other wallers that do that fancy vexeling with awesome details in the hair and such...but I just can't lol...

Please view widescreen!!! This standard version is sooooo cropped!

Please comment/fave/view on AP if you have an account! Thanks!! <333 Cause I have a bit more detailed description there. I am too lazy to copy and paste. XD So yeah. I vectored this screenshot (from one of the ending credits), which Icchan sent me last month. He wanted me to vector it for his desktop. :) Sooooo slowly but surely, I did lol. Just used photoshop and the pen tool. I did use my tablet for some painting though (the comforter's flowers in the bg, and the blush lines on her face). I used this texture for the bg.

Here are more versions:

Well, I hope you like it!!! :)

EDIT: Since lots of people requested that I change her eyes, and make them closer to the original, here you go!! :] I tried lol! Sorry, HD & widescreen only!

Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko Wallpapers
blue, closeup, denpa onna to seishun otoko, erio, girl, vector
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