Bleachic (Wallpaper Portfolio) Beauty is Power

Beauty is Power
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It's finished! Yay! I've been working on this gift for a while, but here it is. *Points up at wallpaper* And's Damon! <3

Okay, I promise I won't spend so much time babbling on and on about this, but here's a little something:

First: I wanted the right Damon image, and I ran across this in one of my old folders and was convinced that this was 'THE' image. I love it! He's got that smexy smirk...oh-yeah! <333

Second: I just downloaded GIMP not long ago and I've been kinda experimenting with it. In the end, I only used the image of Damon and one texture I got from Zen Textures.

Okay third: HAPPY REALLY LATE BIRTHDAY, mia amica! *Huggles* I made it all for you! Okay...not really all. I just put the little bits and pieces together. LOL. I hope you love it though! How could you not? It's Damon!

Fourth: CREDITS!

Image: Well since I don't really remember where I found the image, I'll credit its keeper. His name is Kingston (AKA my flashdrive). Most likely though, I found the image on Google.

Texture: Like I already said, Zen Textures.

The quote: Eh...I'm not really sure actually. It's just an old quote by Charles Reade I've saved in a word document full of quotes. LOL.

Anyway, I guess that's all I'm really going to say for now. If I say anymore, I'll just make myself sound a little crazy (AKA: it's 3 in the morning and I've had a LOL) I hope that everyone, and Kira, enjoy. All comments, hugs, faves are always dearly appreciated.

Thanks everyone and see all soon! *Smiles*


Beauty is power, a smile is its weapon. ~Charles Reade

The Vampire Diaries Wallpapers
Bleachic, Charles Reade, Damon, Damon Salvatore, Quote, Salvatore, Salvatore Brother, Salvatore Brothers, Support KIRA, the Salvatore Brothers, The Vampire Diaries, Vampire, Vampire Diaries
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